
What Is a DDL Surgery and Is It Right For You

What Is a DDL Surgery and Is It Right For You

Have you heard the term “DDL” on the internet? You may have heard that this procedure could do impressive things for men. DDL is a term that has come to be used as a general term for procedures that increase penis size, length, and girth.   

In this guide, you’ll learn more about DDLs, some of the common penile enlargement procedures that fall under this category, what these treatments can do for you, and how to get started. You’ll also get answers to common questions about BBLs.

First, let’s look at what DDL surgery is. Is it a penis enlargement surgery, or something else?

What is a DDL Surgery?

You may be wondering, is a DDL a real procedure? Not exactly. Any cosmetic procedure that a man is getting to increase the length, girth, or aesthetics of his penis may be considered a “DDL.” There are many of these procedures, and they all have pros and cons, as well as specific roles in male enhancement.

Several different technologies are available to provide “DDL” results. Below, you can learn more about some of the most common DDL treatments.

Fillers (Permanent and Temporary)

Fillers are one of the most common “DDL” treatments. These injections use natural collagen and other materials to provide bulk and shape where needed. Fillers can be temporary and need to be replaced as often as once every six months. Permanent fillers last much longer and provide a greater amount of firmness.


Implants can be used to correct a number of health issues with the penis or to provide some aesthetic or size improvements. They are often used to accomplish shaft and glans enlargement. The Implantable Balloon Device for Erectile Dysfunction is often referred to simply as “penile implants.”

Surgical implants are somewhat riskier than fillers, and your doctor may only recommend them if you are a healthy enough candidate for surgical procedures.

Surgical Procedures

Cosmetic surgery can be used to make improvements to the look, size, or function of the penis. Surgeries can also improve the look of conditions like Peyronie’s Disease. Custom surgery may be recommended in the case of unique conditions. Nearly all types of enhancement surgery will be tailored to the client. 

What Can DDL Procedures Achieve?

Now, you understand that DDL procedures can take many forms. However, you may still be asking, what can all this technology accomplish? The answers might surprise you. Using modern “DDL” treatments, you can enhance your girth, improve visible length, and achieve better aesthetics to overcome injuries or disorders from birth. 

Adding Girth

Adding girth is one of the most common goals of DDL treatments. Existing DDL treatments like those named in the last section can significantly improve girth.

Permanent filler treatments can increase girth size from 6.5 to 7.5 in circumference. The girth added with these procedures is often noticeable to partners as well as patients. Girth may be one of the most popular targets for DDLs because it can result in fast positive feedback. 

Adding Flaccid Length

Adding length to the flaccid penis is another popular option for patients who want DDLs. You certainly aren’t alone if you don’t like the smaller, contracted look of the penis throughout the day. 

Many men dislike it when the retraction force is severe enough that it causes the penis to appear to revert into the abdomen. Fixing this issue can often be a goal of DDLs. An implanted sleeve can provide the missing support. 

Adding Erect Length

Adding erect length has always been a top goal of patients pursuing male enhancement treatments. Several DDL procedures can assist with this goal. For example, the Suspensory Ligament Release procedure can provide significant Erect lengthening of up to ½ to 1 inch or greater. 

You may want the extra length for cosmetic or proportional appearance reasons. That’s not uncommon. Not only does a longer penis appear attractive, but it is a great confidence builder and can be advantageous in particular sexual positions.

Keep in mind the patient may opt to combine the Release, Sleeve, and Permanent Filler procedures if desired, which will accomplish Optimal Penile Shaft Erect Length, Optimal Penile Shaft Flaccid length, and Optimal Penile Shaft Girth gains.

Improving Aesthetics of Scrotum and More

DDLs can focus purely on aesthetics, which is some patients’ biggest priority, anyway. All parts of the penis can be improved aesthetically. The head and shaft can be shaped or increased in size until they meet your expectations. 

Scrotal lifts are another example of a surgery that improves on the look of the penis. This procedure will help ‘lift up’ and remedy the sagging scrotal sac that is associated with aging.

Learn More about “DDL” Surgeries and Schedule the Best Treatment

If you’re considering DDL surgery for yourself, you have many options. You can boost your confidence and performance with surgery-free injected implants that give you the look, length, and girth that you want.

The first step to getting the appearance that’s right for you is talking with someone who can point you toward the best treatments. Schedule a consultation at Loria to learn more about our extensive range of penile improvements. Our services include permanent fillers, ED treatments, and much more.

Some DDL procedures are surgical, which comes with some risks and a longer recovery time. Nearly all of our procedures are performed using injectable fillers and other non-invasive options. Contact us to learn more about your “DDL” options today.

FAQs About DDL Procedures

Do you have some more questions about how a DDL procedure could help you? Only a doctor with access to your medical history could help you understand whether you are a good candidate. However, the following questions and answers may help reassure you while you’re waiting to hear back.

How Does a DDL Boost Confidence?

Many patients report that getting a DDL gave them a confidence boost. This may be a common report for a reason. First, it is a confidence boost for men to look in the mirror and be happy with what they see (especially if they’ve been living with dissatisfaction for a long time).

Some DDL procedures, particularly those involving girth, are also known for provoking compliments from sexual partners. That can seriously boost confidence (and patient satisfaction) when it happens.

Am I a Good Candidate for a DDL Procedure?

There are many different kinds of DDL procedures. The ones that require surgery will only be available to those who are healthy enough to undergo surgery. 

The best way to determine if you are a good candidate for a DDL procedure is to set an appointment with a doctor who handles penile implants. Most questions you must ask can only be properly answered in a consultation environment where doctors understand your medical history and the details of your improvement plans.

How much can a DDL change the penis look?

Almost every part of the penis can be changed in a DDL. In before-and-after photos like the ones here, you can see that the changes in length and look can be truly shocking. Most of the most impressive results are achieved with many different treatments over time. 

Your penile enhancement doctor will often develop your plan with you. For example, fillers can be layered and combined to create stronger effects. By one of the early visits, you may be able to plan changes that go far beyond simple penile augmentation.

How soon can I resume sexual activity after a DDL?

You may be able to resume sexual activity almost immediately after a DDL, but it depends heavily on the DDL procedure that you choose. If you get a filler procedure, the recovery period is typically light, and you can go back to sexual intercourse in days. Recovery times may be very different with surgeries or more comprehensive treatments.

Your doctor will be able to explain what to expect from your recovery when you choose a treatment.

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