877-DR-LORIA (877-375-6742)



Micropenis, a condition resulting in a smaller than average penis, is generally defined by an erect penile length of 3.5 inches or less. If your flaccid (of soft) penile length is short, this is NOT a Micropenis. The shorter flaccid state is the result of the muscle cells located in the penile (and scrotal) tissues contracting and pulling the penile shaft inwards. Many patients ask why this happens. This flaccid muscle pull and ‘shrinkage’ is most likely protective, keeping the penile structure out of harm’s way when not in the erect use ‘mode’.

What are the causes of this Micropenis condition?

Micropenis can be caused by abnormal hormonal levels and fluctuations, or lack thereof, during puberty. During the developmental and growing years of puberty, from about 13 to 18 years of age, there are elevations and changes in testosterone levels. When testosterone elevates or has heightened peaks, changes occur in the developing male body. These developments include an increase in body and facial hair, a deepening voice, and enlargement of the genitalia. If testosterone elevations do not occur, the genitalia (penile shaft and glans size) will not develop and increase in size.

Can this condition be treated? Yes. If you are between the ages of 13-18, you can receive supplemental testosterone injections to help increase the penile size. However, there is only a certain window of time that the genitalia/penis will respond to treatment….and the earlier the better. For example, when you were a child, your Pediatrician should have been examining your genital development.

If, by age 15 or so, the genitalia are not growing or enlarging, then treatment would be needed to assist. Testosterone treatments, once started, will cause the genitalia and penis size to grow to the normal adult size. If this window of opportunity is missed, between the ages of 13-18, then this type of therapy will not work (in most cases).

The image below demonstrates one type of testosterone medication that is used for treatment of delayed genitalia development.

I missed the window of opportunity for testosterone treatment… is there hope?

Yes. Most Men with a Micro Penis can now achieve a balanced and enlarged look with a substantial increase in Penile size. Men who desire an increase in Penile Shaft Length and Girth, can achieve these gains. Dr Loria developed the LEEP Procedure ™ and Platinum Technique to accomplish this.

·        Dr Loria’s Elongation & Extension Penile Procedure or LEEP Procedure™  involves two types of minor surgical procedures requiring only local anesthetics. The Suspensory Ligament Release procedure (or ‘Release’) is for Penile Shaft Erect Length gains and/or a Sleeve Insertion procedure (or ‘Sleeve’) which is for optimal Penile Shaft Flaccid Length gains.

·        The Platinum TechniqueSM involves a Permanent Filler Injection procedure to primarily increase Penile Shaft Girth but will also increase Penile Shaft Flaccid Length by ½ to 1-inch per treatment, and, in some cases, increase Penile Shaft Erect Length 1-inch or more (especially in Micro-Penis cases). 

In regard to this Micro-Penis condition, which is a Penile Shaft Length below 4 inches, it has been observed, in a more consistent manner, that these patients who have had Penile Shaft Girth Enlargement Permanent Fillertreatments can not only increase the Penile Shaft Girth significantly (sizes up to 6-7 inches in girth) but also increase Erect Length as well even without any Release or Sleeve Treatments. However, to optimize the chances of increased Erect and Flaccid length it is recommended to have Release and Sleeve treatments in addition to the Girth Filler treatments.  

So with the combination of the well-known Loria’s Penile Girth Enhancement Permanent Filler Treatments, or the Platinum TechniqueTM, and the Release and Sleeve, or LEEP Procedure ™, a patient can now realize their dream of being much much thicker and longer.

Learn more about the ReleaseSleeve, and Penile Shaft & glans Girth Enlargement treatments in their respective sections.

The images below demonstrate the micropenis condition in the flaccid (or soft) state before treatment, labeled 1a and 1b. After treatment, you can clearly see the image, titled 1c, enlargement of the flaccid state.

The images below, labeled 1a, 1b, and 2a demonstrate the micropenis condition. The erect state, not shown here, is less than 3.5 inches.


There are some additional options to Lengthen the Penile Shaft such as careful use of stretching devices  to help stretch the penile shaft to at least the 4.5 to 5.5 inch (erect) length. Dr Loria would recommend to his patients those devices that ‘pull’ on the Penile Shaft, such as hanging weights. Use of the stretching devices, and the protocols involved, will take some time to see results. But it is possible to lengthen the penile shaft to a normal or closer to normal length, but with consistent use it many take 1-2 years to achieve.

The good news is that most patients do not need to wait to lengthen the penis and can immediately start with the Penile Shaft Length  Enlargement treatment, or LEEP ProcedureTM, before starting their stretching protocol in addition to the Penile Shaft Girth Permanent Filler treatments for increased Girth, mentioned prior. This will allow the patient to start enjoying a larger longer penis right away with no delay.

You can start your Penile Shaft Length and Girth treatments immediately, then 90 days after the Length and Girth treatment, you can, if desired,  start or resume your penile stretching exercises.

Please reach out to our offices to discuss what the best options may be for you.



Dr. Victor Loria, D.O. leads the practice of Loria Medical with locations in Orlando and Miami Florida. For more than 30 years, Dr. Loria has performed cosmetic, dermatologic surgery and other procedures including hair restoration, laser surgery, and permanent cosmetic filler on both men and women.





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