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Circumcision + Girth + Release + Sleeve

Before Procedure Measurements:

  • Flaccid Girth 4.5 inches.
  • Flaccid Length 3.75 inches.
  • Erect Girth 5.25 inches.
  • Erect Length 6.0 inches.

The patient had One Penile Shaft Permanent Filler Girth treatment and a Circumcision performed on his first office visit, then had a Penile Shaft & Glans Permanent Filler Girth treatment on his second office visit, then a Release to increase his Penile Shaft Erect Length, and a Sleeve to optimize Penile Shaft Flaccid Length and to prevent the Glans from ‘turtling’, on his third office visit

Note: The Release and Sleeve procedures are not performed at the same time, but on separate office visits. Performing these procedures on two separate occasions allows for optimal healing. Also note that most patients will have the Release performed, to increase the Penile Shaft Erect length, in addition to having their first Penile Shaft & Glans Permanent Filler Girth treatment – both of which CAN be done at the same time, same office visit.

After Procedure Measurements:

  • Flaccid Girth 6.75 inches
  • Flaccid Length 6.0 inches.
  • Erect Girth about 7.5 inches.
  • Erect Length 7- inches.

The patient has met his goals, and even went beyond expectations. This result is above average regarding Girth and Length gains. 

Below: Pre-Treatment Flaccid Girth and Length

Below: Post-Treatment Flaccid Girth & Length

Below: Side by Side Comparison of Pre and Post 

Side by Side Comparison of the Pre and Post treatment Flaccid State. Note major size change in Penile Shaft Girth and Penile Shaft Flaccid Length with above average Penile Shaft Erect Length gains. 

Please Note Typical Size gains:

  • Penile Shaft Permanent Filler average girth gains – ¾ to 1-inch per treatment.
  • Penile Shaft Permanent Filler average Flaccid Length gains – 1-inch per treatment.
  • Release (Suspensory Ligament Release) average Penile Shaft Erect Length gains are ½ to 1-inch. 
  • Sleeve average Penile Shaft Flaccid Length gains are 2-5 or more inches. 


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