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The Truth Behind Girth Size Changes with Age

The Truth Behind Girth Size Changes with Age

You aren’t alone if you are concerned that you may have lost some size with age. Many men have raised this concern with partners and doctors due to things they have seen or experienced.

Your size can change over the course of your life, and scientists have discovered many causes for this. Noticeable loss in girth may appear even without erectile dysfunction or other underlying conditions. 

Many factors are at play, and you can learn about them in this short guide. You’ll find out the facts about age-related changes in girth measurements. You’ll also learn what solutions, including girth enhancement procedures, can be pursued as solutions. 

The Facts: Do Men Lose Girth As They Age?

Yes, men do lose girth as they age. The amount of girth it is possible to lose is well-understood, and so are many of the causes that lead directly to a smaller penis size. Age is one of the primary reasons you can expect a reduction in girth over your lifetime. Here are some of the possible changes.

Blood Flow Issues

Blood flow issues can occur due to common age-related fat accumulation in the arteries. The penis relies on a healthy amount of blood flow to reach its full size and firmness. When age issues, such as clogging arteries, interfere with blood flow, the penis will not reach its full girth and will appear withered compared to its former appearance.

You should immediately speak to a health professional if you notice these issues. A sudden reduction in the size of an erection can point to severe medical issues that should be addressed. 

Wear and Injury

Like all other human parts, the penis will struggle to repair itself after middle age. Micro cuts and bruises from high-friction activities (including sex) will eventually heal very slowly or form calluses. 

The callouses that form can interfere with proper blood flow to the penis or prevent the penis from extending to its full length. Once these areas have developed, they often need to be targeted to ensure proper penis function. 


For many people, age comes with an increase in body weight. For many people, fat tends to accumulate in the groin area, creating folds of skin that then layer over the penis.

This skin can create the illusion that the penis is smaller in size, as the area around the base will now protrude further out. If there is enough fat in this area, it can physically inhibit the full use of length.

Testicles Can Shrink

You’ve learned about some ways that the shaft’s girth can be lost, but that’s not the only part of the penis that experiences size changes with age. Testicles can also show signs of aging, including a reduction in the fullness of your testicles.

Your testicles will respond to blood flow and testosterone loss over time by shrinking, creating a smaller appearance. As with the shaft, many cosmetic treatments can change the appearance of the testicles.

Cancer and Cancer Treatment

Cancer will affect many men as they age. Cancers that affect the testicles can affect their size. Unfortunately, so can some common cancer treatments. 

Prostate cancer is often treated with the complete removal of the prostate gland. Doctors have witnessed that when this treatment is used, men experience a mild to moderate shortening of the penis. This is a surprisingly common side effect of the treatment that is experienced by as many as 70% of all men who undergo it.

As you can see, there are many different reasons that a man’s size can change in response to aging. The shaft and the testicles may reduce size in response to changes in blood vessel function or body mass index.

Some loss of penile length or girth is nearly impossible once you reach a certain age group. Your lifestyle can mitigate some of the risks but not all of them. There are no medical treatments that can reverse the aging process, but you can change the appearance and feel of your penis through minimally-invasive filler treatments and minor surgeries.

Girth Increases: Possible with Modern Treatments?

You can do a lot about a loss of girth or fullness. Here’s a quick overview of some of the cosmetic treatments that are already approved and popular for girth issues. 

Penile Shaft Girth Enlargement

Depending on the issues you want to resolve, shaft girth can be targeted with many treatments. When you speak to a doctor or a men’s health specialist, you may be able to learn more about which treatments may be more effective for you.

One example is enlargement through permanent fillers. Fillers are used to insert tiny silicone molds at strategic points around the penis. These fillers can change the circumference, the shape, and other factors of the penis’ appearance.

When permanent fillers are used to correct girth issues, they are often used in sets to ensure that the new girth appears natural. When changes are made to the shaft, the glans are often also targeted.

Penile Glans (or Penile Head) Girth Enlargement

Glans enlargement procedures increase the visible size of the glans. This treatment is often used to deal with glans that are naturally undersized or have an unpleasant shape to the person choosing care.

Simultaneous penile glans and penile shaft treatments are often recommended to ensure growth isn’t disproportional. Glans issues are difficult to treat and may require follow-up treatments to achieve the best possible appearance.

Penile Implants

The penile implant, or balloon device, is an implant device that also acts to increase the appearance of girth. During the procedure, it is placed into the deep portions of the penile shaft into the Corpora Cavernosa. Once inserted, the patient can have an erection on demand by simply pumping up the balloon. The pump is typically placed into the scrotal area for ease of access.

It is not recommended to get a Penile Implant prior to medical therapy. Once the Penile Implant is inserted, it can damage the Corpora Cavernosa or deep inside the Penile Shaft, and you will no longer have the option for medical therapy due to the disruption.

Scrotal (Sac) Enlargement or Enhancement

Scrotal enhancement refers to procedures that alter the scrotal skin area’s size, shape, and tension. People may choose to undergo this procedure for many reasons, including age-related changes.

The appearance of the scrotal area can diminish with age in the same way that girth can. Those who choose these treatments do so to treat issues like sagging, small size, unpleasantly tight scrotal skin, and very loose scrotal skin. 

Scrotal enhancement involves the insertion of filler material into the scrotal skin that will ultimately result in collagen formation and enlargement. The filler material is not inserted near the testicles, nor does the filler ever come in contact with the testicles.

These are just some treatments currently available to address age-related issues with girth and appearance. You may have noticed that many of these treatments are minimally invasive. There are many alternatives to invasive procedures now, and you should explore them with a professional if you are interested in changes.  

Learn More About Penis Size Enhancements and Schedule a Consultation Today

Now you know how girth and other penis size factors may be affected by changes over your lifetime. You know these problems can worsen depending on personal habits or risk factors completely out of your control. You don’t have to feel helpless or alone when these problems happen to you.

Don’t forget that you do have options when you have experienced age-related changes to the size and girth of your penis. Our clinic offers a range of solutions that can help you restore the look and feel you expect. Many of our treatments are non-invasive and have fast recovery times.

Check out some of our top treatments for this issue before you go. You may benefit from filler-based treatments that can increase girth and provide a natural look across many treatments. Some minor surgical treatments can also increase erect or flaccid length.

If you’re looking for help increasing the size of the penis (including penis length) or treating disorders like micropenis and Peyronie’s disease, you can see a more complete list of our treatments here. 

Start the process for any of our treatments by leaving details through our contact form or by contacting us through our office phone number. If we can assist you with your issues, we’ll help you schedule a consultation at one of our premier clinics.

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