
Secrets to Enjoying a Lifetime of Great Sex

Secrets to Enjoying a Lifetime of Great Sex

A healthy life includes having sex on a regular basis, and, there are plenty more benefits than pleasure alone. Heath benefits of regular sex are amazing! Ultimately, the best reason to learn the secrets of a great sex life is that it improves overall quality of life. An important heads-up is that the most important body part, as far as sex goes, is the brain. If you can forget about negative thoughts, such as having a penis perceived to be of inadequate size, you are free and clear to be part of a satisfied twosome in the bedroom.

Put your Brain where it Counts Most

Secrets to Enjoying a Lifetime of Great Sex

It’s a common mistake, thinking that the way you look and the way your body is built is the major factor in enjoying sex. That’s far from the reality of a great ongoing sexual relationship. What you have going on upstairs affects how well you do with what’s downstairs. Both partners must put aside thoughts about flabbiness and anything else that creates a feeling of being undesirable or inadequate. A great way to use your brain is to do research on how to turn up the heat with your partner. Surprise one another by putting your mind on how to bring more pleasure to your lover, and it will help to overcome the normal frustrations of everyday life.

A sad fact is that an estimated 80% of women don’t have an orgasm during intercourse. You need to work on ensuring that your sexual partner is in the 20-percentile group. It’s also true that it’s common for men to have erection problems. Apply positive approaches to overcoming the hurdles to regularly enjoying sex with your partner.

Laugh Together

When sex is at its best, all kinds of embarrassing situations happen on a routine basis. Tripping over underwear caught around your ankles, getting pubic hairs in the worst places, breaking wind at the worst moments imaginable, and getting injured falling off the bed are among the countless possibilities. Always keep a light attitude. You can spoil the mood if you’re so serious about yourself that you can’t keep a cool head during an awkward moment. (There’s that organ again, the brain, affecting the quality of your sex for good or bad.)

Be Faithful

The excitement of a being with someone new makes for great sex, but newness always wears off quickly. The buzz fades, but there’s more value in sticking with a partner for the long-term as opposed to constantly playing the field. Having affairs almost never works out. If you have someone in your life you enjoy being with, the best sex life you can have is with that person. Do your homework to find ways to increase the passion. Don’t be afraid to step into new areas of kinkiness that increases sexual pleasure for yourself and your partner.  

Go for Male Enhancement, if That’s What Works

There are plenty of men who’ve spent a lifetime wanting to be better endowed. Sometimes the best way to give your brain the needed boost for the sake of sex is to have a male enhancement procedure done. If the idea of avoiding going under the knife has great appeal, Dr. Victor Loria has a practical solution that works with minimal downtime. He is a renowned cosmetic surgeon who offers a non-surgical, minimally invasive procedure that doesn’t involve scalpels, stitches, or general anesthesia. Dr. Loria’s PLATINUM technique for penis enlargement thickens girth and makes it possible to enjoy greater confidence and sexual satisfaction for life. Interested in learning more? Call Loria Medical today at 877-DR-LORIA (877-375-6742).

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