
How a Man’s Nose Can Predict His Penis Size

How a Man’s Nose Can Predict His Penis Size

Does a big nose suggest a big package? Does it signal a longer penis length or penile circumference? Many people believe a man’s nose size can predict the size of his package, and in this short guide, you’ll learn why.  

In this continuing series, you’ll learn about some of the myths, superstitions, and ancient stories surrounding penis size. Some of them are true, and some are baseless, so you’ll also learn where these stories come from and whether any facts support them.

First, let’s look at why people believe there are connections between these two body parts, and just how far back this belief goes. 

Why Do People Believe That Nose and Penis Size are Related?

Stories that connect nose size to penis size are centuries old. These stories were particularly popular in Asian countries like China, where the nose was an important part of ancient Chinese physiognomy (the study of faces) practices. The size of the nose was thought to represent many things, including reproductive function. As a result, many believed a large nose was evidence of a large package. 

It is one of a number of superstitions that have persisted about penis size, along with height, foot size, and some others that you may have heard about.

For a long time, these superstitions persisted without any evidence except gut feelings. However, in recent years, scientists have had many opportunities to study these beliefs and determine which ones could be validated by evidence. 

What Evidence indicates that Nose Size Indicates Maximum Penile Length?

A surprising amount of recent research is available about the connection between nose size and adult genitalia size. We’ve gathered several of the ones that generated the most attention to tell you more about them. For each study, you’ll learn when it was published, who wrote it, and what they discovered. 

Study #1

One recent and impactful study published in 2021 is Nose Size Indicates Maximum Penile Length (full text and citations here), by research authors Hiroshi Ikegaya, Motofumi Suzuki, Hiroki Kondou, Taketo Kawai, Yusuke Sato, Tadaichi Kitamura & Haruki Kume.

The study involved tracking a range of factors related to genital size. Using stretched penile length as a baseline, they compared it to other measurements of genital organs, nose size, height, and body weight. They discovered that some measurements had an unusually high correlation with final size.

The team declares in their results: “The most highly correlated factor with SPL was flaccid penile length (r = 0.565, P < 0.0001). The next highest correlation was nose size (r = 0.564, P < 0.0001).”

The strong correlation between nose size and penis size caused the authors to conclude that “…penile length may not be determined by age, height or body weight but has already been determined before birth.”

Study #2

An even more recent study, conducted in 2023, involved almost 10 times as many participants. It was titled Penile Length and Circumference: Are They Related to Nose Size? (full text here) and was written by authors Sungwoo Hong, Wonseok Choi, Kang Woo Lee, Young Take Lee, and Taekmin Kwon.

This study focused on nose size rather than making it part of a list of factors. As a result, it dove deeper into all of the measurements that go into nose size, including the nose’s length, width, and height (which were used to calculate the volume of the triangular pyramid). 

From the beginning, any patients under the age of 20 or who had undergone plastic surgery for nose or penis shape were left out to ensure the most accurate results. Those who remained in the study provided many readings for researchers, including height, weight, BMI, nose size, and foot size. 

The researchers found that nose size was a significant predictor of penile size. The sizes of the penis and nose increased with a decrease in BMI.

Study #3

Another recent study followed up on the first one and was published in 2023. It’s titled Nose Size Predicts Adult Erectile Penile Length (full text here) and written by authors Chunlu Xu, Tao Song, Yutian Dai, and Guohai Sun.

This one directly examined the correlation between nose size and penis size. The results showed that nose size is an independent predictor of erectile penile length and flaccid penile length. 

The study also found that, compared with the size of the nose, the size of the ears, which are also facial organs, had a weak correlation with the erectile penile length and the flaccid penile length.

That covers all the recent research on the topic. There’s a surprising amount of it, and it all seems to agree on certain facts. For one, there is a real correlation between nose size and penis size. That much has now been verified across multiple studies.

Interestingly, several of these studies didn’t find correlations for other parts of the face or body. It seems there is a lot more evidence for the stories about noses compared to stories about chins or feet. 

FAQs about Nose Size and Penis Size

Does having a large nose mean I should have a large penis?

The studies covered above found that many factors affected penis size, even if nose size was highly correlated with a larger penis. A large nose does not mean you will continue growing into a size you consider more pleasing. 

If your dissatisfaction with your size interferes with your life, you may benefit from a penile enhancement treatment. These treatments can align your expectations with what you see so that you can go about your day.

If I have a large nose, will penile enhancement treatments be more effective?

Having a large nose will have no effect on the potential of any post-adulthood penile enhancement treatments. Currently, no treatments encourage new growth after adulthood. Testosterone supplementation in early adolescence may affect adult size, but there is a limited window, and this is only done when medically necessary.

Length and girth enhancement must be done through non-invasive procedures or surgery. These treatments often involve implants of some kind that provide extra structure to the length or the girth of the penis. 

Is the big nose theory real?

There are many theories from many cultures that try to explain a connection between the nose and what a man carries downstairs. Many parts of these theories have roots in folklore or mystic practices, so they don’t necessarily have a good explanation for why this phenomenon exists. 

Studies released in recent years seem to confirm that there is a correlation between the general size that can be measured repeatedly. It seems likely that humans in many different cultures noticed the general trend that has just recently been proven and provided many different explanations for it. 

Talk to a Doctor about Real Medical Solutions

Now you understand why persistent beliefs link nose and genital size. You also know that there is some scientific basis for these claims (at least within the limits of the studies). Whether true or not, this belief has little impact on people who are looking for penile enhancement later in life. All the penile growth factors that are a predictor of adult size are set before birth.

If you are looking for medical solutions to improve stretched penile length, flaccid penile length, or other factors, you can discuss your needs with Loria Medical. Our clinic offers a range of non-invasive treatments and other solutions for unsatisfying penis size or erectile dysfunction.

Contact our clinic today to schedule a personal consultation. Our team can answer your questions and help you schedule your visit if you call us or use our convenient contact form

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