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Do Women Prefer Length or Girth?

Do Women Prefer Length or Girth?

Men have stressed about how their packages appear to the opposite sex back to the earliest days of humanity. Some of the oldest figurines and artwork unearthed by archeologists have depicted highly exaggerated male genitals, proving that length and girth have been a human obsession potentially before language.

You may wonder, even to this day, does size or girth matter more?  In this short guide, you’ll find out how women feel on the question of length and girth, based on plenty of recent research. In the end, you’ll learn about some options to increase both length and girth. Now, let’s jump right into the research.

What Do Women Prefer: Length or Girth? What the Research Says About Women’s Preferences

Two recent studies have covered this topic in detail. One of them encouraged women to choose the exact features of the penis they liked by using 3D models. Another one was a major survey of women’s stated preferences, and the consistency between the two was surprising. Let’s start with the first study, which is also the most recent. 

Study 1: What is the Perfect Size for a Woman? How Big is Too Big?

This first study was published in 2015, and it is one of the most comprehensive studies that has ever been performed on the penis size preferences of women.

It’s called Women’s Preferences for Penis Size: A New Research Method Using Selection among 3D Models (full text here) by authors Nicole Prause, Jaymie Park, Shannon Leung, and Geoffrey Miller.

This study involved a series of 3D models. The women participants went through a series of tests with the models and then answered a questionnaire about their opinions regarding the size of both one-time partners and long-time partners.

The researchers performing the study found that women’s preferences for both relationship types were slightly larger than the average male. The preferred size for the one-time partner was farther from the average. The researchers theorized that “novelty itself contributes to pleasure, so seeking a more novel-sized penis may be consistent with a goal to pursue pleasure primarily in one-time partners.” 

They also attempted to explain why women participants seemed to prefer a smaller average length and average girth in a long-term partner compared to a one-time partner for reasons. Based on responses, the researchers suspect women may prefer this for both physical comfort and a preference for less masculinity in a longer-term partner. 

Study 2: Does Length or Width Matter More for Women’s Satisfaction?

The next study you’ll learn about is a direct survey of women. This study is called Penis Size: Survey of female perceptions of sexual satisfaction (full text here), by the author Russell Eisenman.

This study focused on the question: “Does the size of the male penis, in terms of length or width, make a difference in female sexual satisfaction?” They got their answers from a 50-member survey of sexually active undergraduate students. 

The respondents of the survey were given the direct question, “When having sex, which feels better, length of penis or width of penis?”. The surveyors changed the order of the word length and width for half of the responses, but it didn’t seem to have an effect.

In fact, the study’s results were overwhelming. Of the 50 women surveyed, 45 reported that width felt better than length. The remaining five reported that they preferred length, and none of the surveyed women reported being unsure of their decision.

That was the end of this simple study, but the level of agreement is surprising in a sample size this large. 

Can Length and Girth Be Improved?

Now you know whether women prefer length or girth (at least according to the most recent studies). If you’re not satisfied that you have the average size women expect and prefer, you may have options to help you align with what you want to see when you look in the mirror.

Below, you’ll learn more about the treatments that improve length and the ones that improve girth. Knowing what’s available can help you avoid misconceptions and focus on the possibilities of the treatments that are right for you.  

Modern Treatments That Can Improve Length

Length is more difficult to adjust than girth, but many treatments are still available that can severely adjust length concerns. The treatments available to improve length are accomplished in several different ways.

Erect length gains can be achieved with what is called a LEEP procedure ™. This involves two minor surgical procedures. Both can be completed using only a local anesthetic. 

The first surgical procedure is a Suspensory Ligament Release. It increases erect length by cutting a restraining ligament. This allows the penis to push out further without resistance.

The second surgical procedure that can improve length gains is a Sleeve Insertion. This involves a synthetic sleeve device that is inserted around the penis. This sleeve prevents the penis from retracting its full amount and can add anywhere from 2 to 5 inches to flaccid length.

The recovery time for the LEEP procedure ™ is about 60 to 90 days. For the Penile Shaft Girth Enlargement treatments, recovery can take about 30 to 40 days. The patient can still work at most occupations, work out, and other physical activities, but care needs to be taken with regard to intensity. Certain postures, such as deep squatting motions, will be limited.  

Modern Treatments That Can Improve Girth

You may be surprised to learn how non-invasive a treatment for girth can be. Penis girth enhancement is mostly done using injectable fillers. These fillers are applied just under the skin and provide extra structure and support to the penis.

Filler treatments typically involve more than one injection to balance the results across the entire shaft. The glans area of the penis is also normally targeted during improvements so that it doesn’t lose its proportional look compared to the shaft. A doctor may recommend a long-term plan for the improvements you hope to see.

Fillers are a noninvasive treatment. They don’t involve many of the dangers of older treatments. They don’t require surgical cutting or access to the nerve endings. They can be removed if they cause irritation and will go away on their own after a limited lifespan. 

The Penile Shaft & Glans Girth Enlargement treatments provide a novel solution to increasing Shaft Girth significantly; up to 9 and 10 inches in penile shaft circumference. Most treatment providers will not recommend such a large size but recommend a range of 6.5 to 7.5 inches in circumference. 

This recommended size of 6.5 to 7.5 inches in penile shaft circumference provides exceptional vaginal stimulation, according to the thousands of patients interviewed. 

Learn More About Penis Size Enhancements and Schedule a Consultation Today

That covers the facts on length and girth. Now, you understand what the research says about what women prefer. You also know that non-invasive options are available right now to help you if you aren’t satisfied with either measurement.

If you’d like to discuss these options in a private consultation with a doctor, Loria Medical offers some of the most modern and comprehensive treatments for penis enlargement. These low-risk treatments involve careful applications of the latest fillers to create a look and feel that can improve your sex life and self-esteem.

Check out our resources on penile shaft length enlargement, penile shaft girth enlargement, or scrotal enhancement. These and other therapies can be combined into comprehensive plans that improve and balance the look of the shaft or testicles.

Contact us today with any questions or to begin scheduling a consultation. Our destination clinics in Florida are a great place to receive any care you need.

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