


The good news about getting a bigger penis is that it is very possible to achieve significant enlargement. But the question is, how does one get bigger? What are the best options available?

First, one must research the most acceptable options and methods for penile enlargement. For example, if you want penile enhancement but prefer to avoid any type of medical or surgical intervention, the best course of action would be to use a penile stretching device. This type of device pulls on the penile shaft, often involving weights to provide stress on the shaft. The purpose of such a device is to gain erect penile shaft length. However, Dr. Loria is not aware of any stretching device that increases both penile shaft and glans girth. Girth increase almost certainly requires medical and/or surgical intervention.

If you prefer not to undergo surgical procedures for male enhancement but would consider medical or minimally invasive treatments, then permanent filler treatments for the penile shaft, glans, and scrotum would be the best choice for girth enlargement. Permanent male enlargement using permanent fillers—not temporary ones—can achieve penile shaft girths of up to 10 inches or more. Dr. Loria recommends a range of 6.5 to 7.5 inches in girth, as his interviews with thousands of patients who have achieved this girth range suggest it is the most stimulating size for both vaginal and anal space.

For those who wish to take a more aggressive approach to male enhancement, a combination of medical and surgical treatments could be considered. For example, one might consider a Suspensory Ligament Release procedure, also known as “Release.” This minor surgical procedure is designed to increase the penile shaft erect length (with some increase in flaccid length as well).

If you’re interested in optimizing flaccid length with a minor surgical procedure, you may consider having the Sleeve placed. The Sleeve is a C-shaped silicone rubber device inserted under the penile skin to help keep the shaft maximally extended in the flaccid state, adding several inches in flaccid length. The Sleeve also provides additional benefits, such as increasing erection firmness and enhancing penile shaft girth by about ½ inch.

For those opting for minimally invasive procedures, Dr. Loria recommends the following sequence: First, undergo the Release procedure to increase penile shaft erect length (wait at least six weeks). Next, have 2-3 penile shaft and glans girth enlargement treatments (and scrotum, if desired), each spaced about six weeks apart. Finally, have the Sleeve placed. As an example, this series of treatments might provide the following results:

– **Penile Shaft Erect Length Pre-Treatment size:** 5 inches 

  **Post-Treatment size:** 6 to 6.5 inches

– **Penile Shaft Flaccid Length Pre-Treatment size:** 3 inches 

  **Post-Treatment size:** 6 inches

– **Penile Shaft Erect Girth Pre-Treatment size:** 4.75 inches 

  **Post-Treatment size:** 6.5 to 7.5 inches

– **Penile Shaft Flaccid Girth Pre-Treatment size:** 3.75 inches 

  **Post-Treatment size:** 5.5 to 6.5 inches

Now, let’s discuss some more radical surgical procedures that carry a higher risk of complications. One such procedure is the Tunica Expansion Technique (TEP). When done correctly, this procedure may increase penile erect length by 1-2 inches. However, it carries a potentially high risk of complications and may be the most promising invasive surgical procedure for penile shaft erect lengthening. The TEP procedure involves cutting into the deep portions of the penis and making incisions in the corpora cavernosa at numerous locations.

Currently, the TEP procedure can only be performed simultaneously with the placement of a penile pump (to treat erectile dysfunction). This is because the extreme amount of trauma and bleeding caused by the TEP technique can be somewhat mitigated by the internal pump, which helps control bleeding.

Dr. Loria is in favor of the TEP technique but believes it needs to be modified to make it much safer and reduce the excessive bleeding and tissue damage. Dr. Loria will be exploring this “safer version” of the TEP technique, which may become available in the future.

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