
The PLATINUM Technique: Safe & Effective Alternative Penis Enlargement Treatment

The PLATINUM Technique: Safe & Effective Alternative Penis Enlargement Treatment

Penis enlargement procedures have become increasingly common, similar to the way women flock to have breast enhancement surgery. There is good news for men who want penis enhancement but hope to avoid the pain and risks associated with surgery. Dr. Victor Loria, renowned cosmetic surgeon, developed a non-surgical, noninvasive penis enlargement treatment called the PLATINUM Procedure. PLATINUM is an acronym for “Penile Enlargement Using a Collagen Layering Activation Filler Technique Involving New and Unique Materials”. This safe and effective alternative treatment for penis enhancement has been performed more than 5,000 times, with proven results.

What Does the PLATINUM Technique Do?

The PLATINUM Technique: Safe & Effective Alternative Penis Enlargement Treatment

The PLATINUM technique is used primarily for girth or circumferential enlargement. It is also sometimes used for scrotal skin reconstruction and enhancement. There have been instances of length gains, as well, but they are not consistent from patient to patient.

How Does the PLATINUM Technique Work?

Filler material is injected underneath penile skin, and it causes production of collagen. Collagen is a protein similar to what skin is made of. Penis enlargement is a result of the build-up of collagen. The following are the five basic steps involved in a PLATINUM technique procedure:

  1. A topical numbing cream is applied to the genital area.
  2. Once the area is completely numbed, a “poke” is created on the superficial layer of the penile skin, and a very small needle is used.
  3. The needle poke is the “port” through which the filler material is inserted. There are various fillers that might be used, such as Silikon 1000.
  4. The penis becomes enlarged after the filler material has been placed under the penile skin, as a reaction between the body and the filler material begins generating collagen.
  5. The penis is wrapped with gauze. This aids in molding the newly formed collagen to the shape of the penis.

What Happens After the Procedure is Done?

The PLATINUM procedure is typically completed in about 1 to 2 hours. The patient can leave the office once the penis has been wrapped in gauze. When the patient leaves, they will assist with the ongoing cleaning of the genital area and wrapping of the penis. Several re-wrappings are done as part of aftercare.

The results of the PLATINUM penis enlargement technique are typically seen in 14 to 21 days after the in-office procedure is done. Although collagen formation can continue for up to 90 days, the majority of results are evident after approximately two weeks. The first treatment usually adds an additional ¾” to 1” to the girth of the penis. If the desire is to see larger girth of at least 1.5 inches, a second treatment can be done 6 weeks after the first. The second treatment also increases penis circumference by ¾” to 1”. Patients who desire gains in girth of 2” to 3” can opt for a third treatment, after the patient has fully healed from the second treatment and after 4 to 6 weeks have passed.

Contact Loria Medical Today

Contact Dr. Loria at Loria Medical and ask about the safe, effective PLATINUM penis enlargement treatment. Since no surgery is required, Dr. Loria’s procedure has clear benefits. Schedule the penis enhancement you’ve been wanting by making the call to Loria Medical today at 877-DR-LORIA (877-375-6742).

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