
How to Increase the Size of Your Balls or Scrotal Area: Myths and Real Procedures

How to Increase the Size of Your Balls or Scrotal Area: Myths and Real Procedures

If you are unhappy with the size of your testicles or scrotal area, you aren’t alone. Millions of men have issues with this area’s size, heaviness, or appearance. Fortunately, modern solutions and treatments can now assist with these issues.

In this short guide, you’ll learn more about the world of treatments for men who want to make a bigger impression. You’ll learn what men and transitioning patients are attempting to target with these procedures, what persistent myths should be avoided, and what real treatments you can begin researching right now.  

Why Increase Testicle or Scrotal Size?

Men increase testicle and scrotal size for many reasons. Modern enlargement procedures involve materials that are either approved for use or safe to be used off-label under medical supervision. Here are some of the biggest reasons men want a change: 


Some men feel that a smaller scrotum or smaller testicles create an uneven appearance next to the fully erect shaft. Some may also feel that this makes them look unhealthy, not ‘masculine’ to sexual partners, or not fully developed, depending on the severity of the size difference. This is a frustrating problem that can interfere with your confidence and sex drive. 


Even when partners don’t complain, many men remain unhappy when their size does not match their expectations. A mismatch between expectations and the reality in the mirror can create long-term frustration and dissatisfaction.  

In addition to the look, some men feel that a small scrotum provides a less noticeable impact when colliding with the partner during sexual activities. This can make them feel they can’t provide a satisfying performance with their current size.

Recovery From Age-Related Volume Loss

Some men who reach a certain stage of life choose to either remove their age-affected testicles and place them in larger artificial testicles or, more conservatively, increase the scrotal size by adding permanent filler to the scrotum. They can restore or even increase the size they had originally. The average testicle will indeed decrease in size in response to aging. 

Recovery from Injury

Testicular cancer and other illnesses that damage testicular function may require cosmetic surgery to restore the original look. Testicular or scrotal size and other features can be restored with a combination of artificial testicular implants and/or permanent filler for enhancement.

What Methods Don’t Stand Up to Testing?

There are no known methods for producing larger testicles past adulthood unless it was caused by taking testosterone. 

For example, testosterone injections can cause the testicles to shrink in size; however, if one takes clomid pills or HCG injections in conjunction with testosterone, there is the possibility of restoring some, if not all, of the testicular size. Over-the-counter supplements are generally not effective.

Testosterone replacement therapy can indeed affect the size of the balls, sometimes shrinking them or, in some cases, enlarging them depending on the situation. Testosterone treatment, in combination with Clomid or HCG in certain circumstances, can help with the following issues:

  • The small size of the testicles can be traced to low testosterone levels (this is not always the case. Sometimes genetics or disorders are responsible). In this case, the combination of testosterone and clomid or HCH will help. 
  • The patient is still in puberty, not producing enough testosterone to allow maturing of the testicles (and penile) size, and will respond to testosterone treatment during this time period (ages 13 to 17).

Most patients who seek treatment for this issue of having a small testicle (or a small scrotum in general) will not meet these criteria in adulthood. Clomid or HCG treatments alone can help restore testicular size, with or without testosterone therapy. 

Testosterone therapy is beneficial if testosterone levels are low. For those who want a larger scrotum, permanent filler injections, which stimulate collagen growth, will restore the scrotal size and even enlarge it beyond its normal size if desired. 

Testicular torsion is another cause of the testicles shrinking in size, and is just one example of a painful problem that can result from manipulating even one testicle.

Procedures do exist that produce bigger balls or a larger scrotum, but most of them are administered by healthcare professionals rather than supplement websites.

Procedures That Increase Scrotal Size

Numerous scrotal enhancement procedures exist. Many modern approaches are based on the use of fillers. Permanent fillers are injected to stimulate your own natural collagen production and increase the scrotal tissue volume, resulting in a fuller and larger scrotal look. 

Choosing a reputable clinic for any testicular or scrotal treatments is important. Unlicensed clinics and inexperienced care providers may inject fillers too close to the testicles during treatments, resulting in pain and inflammation. 

When this procedure is performed properly, the fillers are injected carefully into the outer skin of the sac, creating the impression of size without endangering the reproductive health system. In the case of cancer, prosthetic testicular implants can provide basic replacements for testicles that have to be removed.

Contact Loria Medical to Discuss Increasing Your Testicle and Scrotal Size

Now you know more about the world of treatments to improve the size of testicles and scrotal area. You know why people choose these procedures or operations, which ones work, and which ones don’t. To take the next steps, you’ll need medical advice. Our team would love to talk to you about correcting your issues.

At Loria Medical, we focus on male enhancement, and scrotal enhancement procedures are one of the many ways that we help our clients see what they expect from their bodies. Larger testicles or an enlarged scrotal appearance are possible, and our clinic offers a complete range of scrotal enhancement treatments, including scrotal webbing correction.

In addition to treatments that increase testicle or scrotal size, we offer a range of other enhancement treatments, such as increasing penile length and girth for all parts of the penis. See our other treatment pages to learn more about how we can help you improve or enhance the look of the penile shaft, glans, and other areas.

To begin working with the Loria Medical team, contact us using our appointment form. Please provide details about your issue to determine whether we can help you with a consultation.

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