Many Patients seek put Penile Enlargement services and sometimes have a difficult time in figuring out which procedures are best. For example, if you have the option to have Temporary Filler or Permanent Filler placed to enlarge the Penile Shaft & Glans (and Scrotum if desired), which would you choose? The Permanent Filler will result in natural collagen production, long term results, and an economical savings. Temporary Filler does not produce natural collagen, does not feel as natural, and is very expensive, having to have Temporary Filler treatments very 6-12 months.
Free Fat Transfer (FFT)
- Free Fat Transfer or FFT, is a technique for penile shaft enlargement, is considered one of the better choices for surgical penile enlargement but is not superior to the minimally invasive Permanent Dermal Filler Injection procedure. Fat transfer is a surgically invasive procedure involving liposuction of fat from the stomach/belly area. After harvesting the fat, the fat graft material is surgically placed into the subcutaneous area of the penile skin. There are many potential issues and risks associated with this procedure. For example:
- The transferred fat may totally dissolve even after many treatments
- The transferred fat may form major clumps or lumps
- The transferred fat may drop down to the base of the penile shaft and cause a ‘donut’ effect which would make the very base of the penile shaft very large and non-functional (almost like shortening your penile length because it would be non-usable)
- This fat transfer method is a surgical procedure, which carries the surgical risks of infection and tissue damage.
- Dr Loria recommends the Permanent Dermal Filler Injection Technique, involving minimally invasive injections of a permanent filler. The technique is a much safer, longer-lasting and much lower risk option which does not have the potential surgical complications of infection and tissue damage that Fat Transfer surgery has.
- The image above demonstrates the technique used in harvesting the fat needed to ultimately place in the penile shaft. The placement technique, using a cannula, is the very same method of placement of the fat graft into the penile shaft.

The fat that is removed is contained in syringes (see image above) and then injected into the penile subcutaneous space.
The image above demonstrates the potential complications of having fat harvested from the abdominal (or buttocks) area. This bruising may advance to severe ulceration and other major complications.

The images above demonstrate the results of a fat transfer. The image to the left shows how the transplanted fat can drop down to the penile shaft base and result in a ‘donut’
- The fat that is removed is contained in syringes (see image above) and then injected into the penile subcutaneous space.
- The image above demonstrates the potential complications of having fat harvested from the abdominal (or buttocks) area. This bruising may advance to severe ulceration and other major complications.
- The images above demonstrate the results of a fat transfer. The image to the left shows how the transplanted fat can drop down to the penile shaft base and result in a ‘donut’ effect. The other image to the right shows how this donut ring of fat may bulge in the mid-region during a more flaccid state. This would be considered a reasonable result, however, further treatments would be needed to balance under the glans (head of the penis) and upper penile shaft areas.
- Now if one were considering placing Fat in the buttocks, then ok, the buttocks should feel soft, so it is best suited for the buttocks. In addition, FFT is difficult to place in a balance fashion, but with Permanent Filler there is targeted precision in its placement, which results in a much more balanced look. Lastly, FFT may actually ‘die’ or not ‘take’, so you many need multiple treatments as opposed to Permanent Filler which always ‘takes’ or produces natural collagen.
Alloderm Implants
- Patients who are thinking about having an Alloderm Implant placed need to know that the implant may break up into pieces over time or many become dislodged and move around under the Penile Skin. I would consider this treatment as a last option … the first or best being Permanent Filler, with FFT as a second-best choice.
- Alloderm™ is processed human skin that is sterilized for topical skin grafting or for implant use. This material is used for many different skin grafting procedures throughout the body. When this product is used as a male enlargement filler agent, it involves surgery by stitching this human skin into the penile shaft, a very invasive medical procedure. Alloderm™ or Belladerm™, surgery also comes with the all the risks associated with surgery such as infections and tissue damage. This product may dissolve and break into pieces over a few years. These pieces may ‘float’ under the skin and become very unstable and feel very unnatural. In addition, there are limitations to how much Alloderm™ or Belladerm™ can be placed under the penis skin, thus limiting the potential size increases you may seek to gain.
- Artefil™ or Bellafil™ is an FDA approved cosmetic filler medication used primarily for facial augmentation. This material can be used, in an off-label fashion, for penile enlargement, however, in the United States, it is cost-prohibitive and is not necessarily better than other available alternative fillers.
Dermal Grafts
- Dermal grafting, which is a technique used for penile shaft enlargement, is considered the most invasive surgical procedure as compared to all male enhancement procedures available today.
- The dermal grafting procedure involves the grafting or the cutting off (or cutting out) of your own skin. This is often performed by surgically removing skin from the lower abdominal or buttocks areas which would need to be sutured closed. This skin is processed because hair follicles need to be removed otherwise hair will grow after this dermal skin graft is placed under the penile skin for the enlargement process. The graft is then surgically placed and sutured to the penile shaft.
- After the harvested dermal graft skin is taken, the penis needs to be surgically opened up to allow for the graft to be sutured in. Creating not only a surgical risk of infection and trauma at the skin grafting sites, but also having the additional risk of opening up the penis itself to stitch in this skin graft.
- In addition, if this skin graft is not processed properly, hair may grow under the penile skin resulting in inflammation and infections. Lastly, these grafts may disintegrate over time and behave just like the Alloderm graft potentially breaking into pieces and ‘floating’ under the penile skin.
- Another type of male enhancement procedure available in many countries involves the insertion of a very large piece of silicone prosthesis under the penile shaft skin. This involves major invasive surgery and carries not only the same surgical risks as all the other surgical procedures but adds additional risks such has a higher rate of infection and scarring. Another source of infection or complication on this procedure is when a foreign body surgically implanted (the silicone rubber prosthesis in this case), potentially erupts or breaks through the skin over time. If this eruption of the implant were to occur, the entire silicone prosthetic implant will need to be removed and the patient will need to be placed on antibiotics to prevent infection.
- It is Dr Loria’s opinion at Loria Medical, regarding this technique, that the concept is conceivable. However, some adjustments need to be made to optimize the results and limit the risks associated with very large implants. Dr Loria’s LEEP Sleeve procedure has made the optimal adjustments including reducing the size of the implant and providing special design features to make it extend the Penile Shaft Flaccid and, if possible the Erect length as well, in addition to feeling much more natural.
- Dr Loria recommends the perfect ‘marriage’ or combination Penile Shaft & Glans Girth Enlargement Treatment with Permanent Filler in addition to the LEEP ProcedureTM Treatments, such as the Release, for Penile Shaft Erect Length gains, and the Sleeve, for Penile Shaft Flaccid Length gains.
- Learn more about these procedures by reviewing the Procedures section.
- Suspensory ligament cutting is a procedure that supposedly lengthens the erect and flaccid penile shaft. Dr Loria was opposed to this type of procedure for many years due to the poor result. After reviewing the medical literature, Dr Loria did see the potential of utilizing this procedure; however, there were some changes that were needed to make this successful… adding a ‘Spacer’ and suturing the tissue in a horizontal pattern to help prevent the ligaments from growing back.
- This involves a minor surgical in-office procedure that releases certain ligaments located at the very base of the penile shaft near the pubic bone. This procedure typically yields ½ to 1-inch in Penile Shaft Flaccid and Erect length.

This image demonstrates the ligaments of the penis. Note that the suspensory ligament plays a minor role in holding the penile structure to the bone, while the much more massive fundiform ligament is the primary and much larger ligament holding the penile structure to the pelvic bones.