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Penile Shaft & Glans Girth Enlargement and LEEP Sleeve for Penile Shaft Flaccid Lengthening

Patients who desire Penile Shaft & Glans Girth Enlargement and Penile Shaft Flaccid Length treatment should consider this combination. This combination includes having a Sleeve Insert (or ‘Sleeve), for Penile Shaft Flaccid length gains, in addition to having a Penile Shaft & Glans Girth Enlargement Treatment.

The Length Enlargement Consultation Video will review the LEEP ProcedureTM including the Sleeve, for Penile Shaft Flaccid Length gain, and the Release, for Penile Shaft Erect Length gains.

The information below, discussing Penile Shaft & Glans Girth Enlargement, is also found in the ‘Penile Shaft & Glans Girth Enlargement’ section titled the same in the Procedures drop-down menu. In addition, the LEEP ProcedureTM (Release and/or Sleeve) is also discussed below and is also found in the ‘Penile Shaft Length Enlargement’ section titled the same in the Procedure drop-down menu.


We will review first the Penile Shaft Girth Enlargement and then the Penile Glans Girth enlargement both utilizing the Platinum TechniqueSMusing Permanent Filler. This information is found on their respective title pages as well. 

Penile Shaft Girth Enhancement

Dr Loria at Loria Medical provides penile enlargement (and scrotal enlargement) procedures as the answer or remedy to LEGS℠ – Low Erectile Girth Syndrome℠. What is ‘LEGS’ all about? 

Many men have low self-esteem and confidence about their Penis size. Dr Loria speaks and consults with many men throughout the United States and other countries regarding this issue, and they all say just about the same thing… I feel I am small and cannot satisfy my partner. 

Even an average size Penis of 5-6 inches long and a 4.75-to-5-inch girth will not satisfy most women because the vaginal anatomy will just not feel enough ‘girth’ to stimulate the vaginal walls in most cases. This scenario can result in the low self-esteem and confidence in addition to depression which Dr Loria has coined the term ‘Low Erectile Girth Syndrome℠. 

This can be remedied by increasing the Penile Shaft Girth to about 6.5 to 7.5 inches in Circumference. Dr Loria has thousands of testimonials about how the spouse is stimulated like never before with this Penile Shaft girth size….… a very satisfying experience for the men and partners of course. So if you suffer from LEGS, you now have the solution. Typically it takes 2-3 Penile Shaft Enlargement Permanent Filler treatments to achieve this Girth size. 

Keep in mind that It is always recommended to have the Penile Glans (Head of the penis) Girth Treatment when having the Penile Shaft Girth Treatment because increasing the size of the Glans will help with proportion in comparison to the enlarged Penile Shaft.  For more information on the Penile Glans Girth Enlargement Treatment click on this link. 

Let’s discuss some more details about the Penile Shaft Girth Treatments…. 

The penis has two states, the flaccid (or soft), and the erect (or firm). The penile shaft and glans girth will naturally increase in size dramatically from the flaccid to erect states. The normal range of the flaccid girth or circumference is 3.75 to 4.0 inches. The normal range for the erect girth or circumference is 4.75 to 5 inches, plus or minus a quarter inch.

 It is highly recommended to have at least two Penile Shaft & Glans Girth Treatments to achieve a 1.5 to 2-inch girth increase… and this will usually get you into the desired 6.5-to-7.5-inch Penile Shaft Girth range. This circumferential size range was ascertained by interviewing thousands of patients and spouses/partners over the years. It appears that when the penile girth size goes over 7.5 inches in circumference, some women (or men) find it either very pleasing/stimulating, or at certain times uncomfortable during penetration and/or oral sex.

The Penile Shaft can ultimately be made quite large, of course needing several treatments to reach such goals. Dr Loria recommends a 6.5-to-7.5-inch girth circumference. This seems to be the most comfortable and most stimulating size for vaginal (and anal) intercourse, in addition to oral sex.

The Platinum Technique, or Penile Shaft & Glans Permanent Filler Enlargement treatment technique, was developed by Dr Loria. This Technique is a very safe, non-surgical, needs no general anesthesia, needs no scalpels, and only involves minor injections. Most patients find this methos very safe, comfortable, and minimally invasive, which is most desirable. 

In addition, when the Permanent Filler is placed into the Penile Shaft and Glans, your own body will be ‘reacting’ with this filler and will generate natural collagen. The technique involves inserting a Collagen Layering Activating filler material into the Penis, within and beneath the penile skin. After injection of the Permanent Filler, most of the filler will dissolve leaving Permanent Natural Collagen behind. Why is this significant? You now have a Permanent result…. Unlike Temporary fillers where you need to be re-injected every 6-12 months or so. In addition, the newly formed Permanent Natural Collagen is  far better than a Free Fat transfer procedure because Collagen  is more firm/hard…unlike Fat which is soft and not firm. So for the penis Permanent Natural Collagen will provide long lasting and greater firmness than a Temporary filler or fat transfer respectively.  

The Platinum Technique is used for Penile Shaft Girth Enlargement, Penile Glans (Head of the Penis) Girth Enlargement, Penile Shaft Flaccid lengthening, Scrotal/Testicular Enhancement, and for corrective treatment in cases where the Free Fat Transfer treatment resulted in imbalances, etc. This Technique utilized local and not General Anesthesia, there is no need for Stitches, is without the high risk for scaring and infection associated with surgery and is generally tolerated very well with minimal discomfort. 

This newly formed permanent collagen is what causes the Penile Shaft and Glans Girth to increase. This collagen is natural and permanent. For more information regarding the Platinum Method, go to the Procedures section and click on Platinum Method for more details.

The following Penile Models will demonstrate what is the normal range of penile girth, what is the recommended penile girth range, and what is outside of the recommended penile girth range. All measurements are in inches and measure the circumference of the penile shaft.

The Penile Models Below demonstrate a normal range of Penile Shaft Girth sizes. From left to right we have a rather narrow girth of 4.5 inches, a more normal girth of 4.75 inches, and 5-inch girth. 

The Penile Models Below demonstrate the recommended ranges of Penile Shaft Girth sizes. From left to right we have a rather narrow girth of 4.5 inches, a more normal girth of 4.75 inches, then proceed to an enlarge girth of 6.5 to 7.5 inches in Penile Girth. 


The images below are some examples of Penile Shaft & Glans Girth increases. 

Images titled ‘Before Treatment Flaccid’ and ‘After Treatment Flaccid’ show an optimal gain in penile flaccid circumference. This patient originally started with a flaccid penile shaft girth of about 4 inches, and now is at approximately 6.5 inches. His erect penile girth is about 6.75 inches (photo not available).



The next set of images show another tremendous gain that may not be appropriate for all patients due to the sheer size and penetration issues that may come about. The images titled ‘Before Treatment Flaccid’, ‘After Treatment Flaccid’’ (showing two different before treatment flaccid views), ‘Penile Flaccid size after treatment image 5’, ‘Penile Erect size before treatment image 6’, and ‘Penile Erect size after treatment image 7’all show tremendous girth size changes in both, the penile flaccid and erect states.






So as you see the Penile Shaft Girth gain was very large. To demonstrate this change using models, please see below. The patient started out with an erect size depicted by the model on the left. The after erect Girth size is depicted on the right. 

Penis Models Normal Girth


Keep in mind that the Penile Enlargement process is more of an Art than a Science, meaning that when one desires to have a Penile Enlargement procedure, plan on having at least 2 treatments. After the first treatment two issues may come up, one being the obvious…wanting the next size increase in girth, and two, having to correct any areas of imbalance or asymmetry.

Considering that Dr. Loria relies upon his patients to follow certain protocols and instructions regarding wrapping, medications, etc., results may vary. Optimal results, in the far majority of patients, are achieved when protocol is strictly adhered to.

A special note must be emphasized about the natural collagen that is formed from the stimulation of the filler material. First and foremost, it is your own natural living permanent collagen tissue, and like all natural living tissue, it will respond to stress.

The Penis, now enlarged by this production of collagen, will be subject to the stress of sexual intercourse, masturbation, etc. Over a long period of time, and if sexual activity is above average, there might be subtle shifts in the collagen material necessitating possible future balance/symmetry enhancement treatments.

If the collagen formed is very thick and dense (which is a genetic factor) after having two or more Platinum treatments, the risk of imbalance and asymmetry is far less resulting in a much more stable collagen structure that is able to resist major forces and pressures.


The Penile Glans is also called the ‘Head of the Penis’. We prefer to use the term ‘glans’. The Glans is a vascular structure, just like the rest of the penis, and is similar to a balloon. When the Glans has blood in it (during the erect state), it expands like a balloon expands when air is placed in. When the Glans shrinks down, (when blood leaves the Glans,) it is like a balloon losing its air.

The challenge we have when enlarging the Glans is the very anatomic structure that prevents significant enlargement. It is a vascular structure with no ‘space’ under the skin to place fillers, unlike the penile shaft that has abundant space under its skin.

Even though Glans enlargement is challenging, Glans enlargement is becoming a primary topic of concern and discussion. Most patients would like to have not only an enlarged penile shaft but also a proportionately enlarged Glans. Penile Glans enlargement has been proven to be not only a risky surgical procedure but relatively unsuccessful one using Traditional Surgical methods.

Considering that enlarging the girth of the Penile Shaft without enlarging the Penile Glans may result in a ‘disproportionate’ shape or look, this has placed a limiting factor on how wide the Penile Shaft can be made, especially if one is concerned about asymmetry or disproportion.

Loria Medical has performed many Penile Glans Enlargement procedures and has concluded that there are only moderate gains even after several treatments, resulting in an increase in girth size (circumference) ranging from ½ to 1 inch.

The Images below demonstrate the result of 3 glans treatments and a ¾ inch gain in girth/circumference. Please note that the patient had prior fat transfer and now needed to have the glans in a more proportional balance.



Keep in mind that the Penile Glans Enlargement treatment can be performed simultaneously with the Penile Shaft Treatment, in other words, they are performed on the same treatment day if desired (and is highly recommended). It is recommended that Penile Glans treatments should be done whenever you have a Penile Shaft treatment.

Try to take advantage of all opportunities to treat the Glans, because of the modest gains that result with each treatment. Keep in mind that the Penile Glans normally varies in size, and thus, to have a Penile Glans the same size or even little smaller than the Penile Shaft is not necessarily considered ‘disproportionate’.

If one chooses not to have a Penile Glans and Penile Shaft treatment performed simultaneously, he may feel, afterwards that the Penile Glans is too small in comparison to the now enlarged Penile Shaft. 

It is for this reason it is recommended to do both Penile Shaft and Penile Glans treatments simultaneously to maintain as much of a proportioned look as possible. 

In addition, it is also very time & cost effective when done together (see Fees, Specials & Financing).

Lastly, the Penile Glans may be treated for not only Penile Shaft –Glans proportion issues, but for Penile Erect Length gains. The Penile Erect (and flaccid) Shaft can lengthen because treating the Penile Glans does contribute to overall Penile Length. 

Patients who desire Penile Shaft & Glans Girth Enlargement and Penile Shaft Erect Length should consider this combination. This combination includes having a Suspensory Ligament Release (or LEEP Release), for Penile Shaft Erect length gains, in addition to having a Penile Shaft & Glans Girth Enlargement Treatment.


Most people imagine that the ideal penis appears exceptionally generous, both in length and in girth. The visual appeal of such a proportionally long and girthy penis has been around for centuries conjuring the impression of health, stamina, attractiveness, and, of course, sexual pleasure. 

Most Men can now achieve this balanced and enlarged look of a substantial increase in Penile size. Men who desire, in particular, Penile Shaft Length increase, can achieve these gains. Dr Loria developed the LEEP Procedure ™ and Platinum Technique to accomplish this.

• Dr Loria’s Elongation & Extension Penile Procedure or LEEP Procedure ™ involves two types of minor surgical procedures requiring only local anesthetics. The Suspensory Ligament Release procedure (or ‘Release’) is for Penile Shaft Erect Length gains and/or a Sleeve Insertion procedure (or ‘Sleeve’) which is for optimal Penile Shaft Flaccid Length gains.

• The Platinum TechniqueSM involves a Permanent Filler Injection procedure to primarily increase Penile Shaft Girth but will also increase Penile Shaft Flaccid Length by ½ to 1-inch per treatment, and, in some cases, increase Penile Shaft Erect Length 1-inch or more (especially in Micro-Penis cases). 

In regard to the condition known as ‘Micro-Penis’, which is a Penile Shaft Length below 4 inches, it has been observed, in a more consistent manner, that these patients who have had Girth Enlargement treatments can not only increase the Penile Shaft Girth significantly (sizes up to 6-7 inches in girth) but also increase Erect Length as well

With the combination of the well-known Loria’s Penile Girth Enhancement Permanent Filler Treatments, or the Platinum TechniqueTM, and the Release and Sleeve, or LEEP Procedure ™, a patient can now realize their dream of being much much thicker and longer.

Let’s discuss more about the ReleaseSleeveand Penile Shaft & glans Girth Enlargementtreatments. 

Release: Penile Shaft Erect Elongation 

The Suspensory Ligament Release procedure can provide significant Erect lengthening of up to ½ to 1-inch or greater. The Sleeve Device can significantly increase the Flaccid length by up to 2-5 inches or more, and may increase Erect length as well.  

To best enhance the Erect length size, Dr Loria recommends the LEEP Release procedure ™This minor surgical Procedure is used to Elongate the penis up to ½ to 1-inch or more in the erect state. The average penis in length is between 5 to 6 inches. This is a very respectful length and is sexually satisfying to most partners. But some patients may be under this size requiring a little extra length to reach this optimal measurement. Others may want the extra length for cosmetic or proportional appearance reason. Not only does a longer penis appear attractive but is a great confidence builder and can be advantageous in particular sexual positions.

Keep in mind the patient may opt to combine the ReleaseSleeveand Permanent Filler procedures if desired, which will accomplish Optimal Penile Shaft Erect Length, Optimal Penile Shaft Flaccidlength, and Optimal Penile Shaft Girth gains.

Sleeve: Penile Shaft Flaccid Extension

Most men dislike the small, contracted look of the flaccid penis. The penis throughout the day is constantly changing shape, size, and retraction levels. For many, this retraction force can be severe, causing the penis to retract into the abdomen, appearing very small, regardless of the size when fully erect. This leads many to say they are a “Grower” versus being a “Shower”.

The first step to a longer flaccid penis is to consider the LEEP Sleeve Procedure ™. This procedure entails the insertion of a Soft Silicone Rubber Sleeve Insert. The patient may opt to combine the *Sleeve and Release procedure if desired, which will accomplish Flaccid and Erect length gains. So for optimal gains in Flaccid and Erect length, it is recommended to have both treatments. The objective is to gain 1-2 inches in Erect Length, and up to 2-5+ inches in Flaccid Length.

*Please note that it is recommended, but not mandatory, to first have two Shaft & Glans Permanent Filler Girth Enlargement treatments prior to placing in the Sleeve. These Girth enlargement treatments typically will increase the Penile Shaft Girth by 1.5 to 2-inches. This will result in a longer Flaccid state, a substantial increase in Penile Shaft Girth, and provide a greater healing capacity (the newly developed collagen) for the Sleeve insert. 

The insertion of the Soft Silicone Rubber Sleeve Insert, which is placed just under the penile skin, results in an Extended Flaccid State. So for example, if the current Flaccid State is 3 inches and the Erect State is 6 inches, the Penile Shaft will extend out, post Sleeve insert, to the 6-inch length. Now, if the Penile Shaft Tissue has some ‘stretchability’ then we may be able to stretch the Penile Shaft to 7-inches and place a 7-inch Sleeve in ….so now we have accomplished not only Penile Shaft Extension in the Flaccid state, but now Elongation the Penile Shaft Erect Length as well. This procedure leaves no scarring, because the Sleeve is inserted along the current or existing circumcision scar except for a minimal incision at the base of the Penile Shaft for Sleeve anchoring. If you are not circumcised, then you will have a very small circumcision line scar.

The Suspensory Ligament Release is primarily designed to Elongate or lengthen the Penile Erect Length. The Patient will have a small scar in the Pubic skin area, but with some pubic hair growth, this should be completely or nealy completely covered. This Procedure involves a two-step process. This is a soft silicone sleeve that is custom made to fit each patient uniquely and is inserted around the penis shaft, just under the skin. The soft silicone sleeve is designed to follow the contour of the penis, holding the penis longer, closer to its natural erect length.

For those who are not circumcised, this is an ideal opportunity to get circumcised and to enhance the length of the penis all in one procedure. Instead of the penis glans turtling under the skin, the thin foreskin, the LEEP Sleeve Procedure ™ will hold the penis out creating a much better look and exposing the glans for an overall larger appearance and symmetrical balance.

LEEP Procedure ™– Combination Release & Sleeve 

These two procedures, the Release and Sleeve, can be done separately or in a combination to further enhance the penis length. The purpose of the LEEP Sleeve Procedure ™ is to extend the penis in the flaccid state, keeping it longer and resisting the natural retraction that most men experience. The continuous flaccid extension from the Sleeve can also lead to some erect length gains in some patients. The LEEP Release Procedure ™ , Releasing the Suspensory Ligaments, is designed to elongate the penis shaft by taking that extra ‘hidden’ Penile length and allow for its full potential in length. When done together, a patient can expect a Penile Shaft length increase in both the flaccid and erect lengths.

Please note that it is recommended, not mandatory,  to have at least one Penile Shaft Girth Enlargement prior to having the Sleeve procedure, so you may consider having a Penile Shaft & Glans Girth Enlargement and Release on your first office visit, then on a second office visit have the Sleeve placed.

Girth: Penile Shaft & Glans Girth Enlargement

The Penile Shaft & Glans Girth Enlargement treatments provide a novel solution to increasing Shaft Girth significantly…… up to 9 and 10 inches in Penile Shaft Circumference. We do not recommend such a large size but recommend a range of 6.5 to 7.5 inches in circumference. 

This recommended size of 6.5 to 7.5 inches in Penile Shaft Circumference provides exceptional vaginal stimulation according to the thousands of patients interviewed. 

Who are these treatments for… a Review?

Some patients are only looking for Girth, some for Erect Length, some for Flaccid Length, and some for a combination or all three, and for a variety of reasons. 

Girth: Some patients and their partners are not happy with the Girth of the Penile Shaft. Girth is what provides perhaps 90% or more of the stimulation during intercourse. enhancement as this provides the most sexual stimulation. It is recommended to have Two Penile Shaft & Glans Girth Enlargement treatments to achieve a substantial girth increase of 1.5 to 2-inches. This size gain will place most patients in the 6.5 to 7.5 inch recommended (optimal) girth size range. 

Erect Length: Some patients are not happy with the Erect Length of the Penile Shaft. What is the ideal erect length? Perhaps between 6-8 inches would be about right. To achieve this ideal Penile Shaft Erect Length, one may consider the Release procedure which will provide up to ½ to 1-inch in erect length or more (there are a combination of treatments to achieve more erect length…as already mentioned……). Having a longer penis in the Erect state can greatly improve the confidence level of a man who will now show a greater size penis and will also help performance with certain sexual positions.  

Flaccid Length: Some patients are not happy with the Length and look of the Penile Shaft Flaccidstate. Even though the Penile Shaft Girth Enlargement treatment will increase the Penile Shaft Flaccid Length by ½ to 1-inch per treatment, the Sleeve is specifically designed to provide optimal Penile Shaft Flaccid Length by several inches, in addition to keeping the Glans from ‘turtling’ (looking uncircumcised) which some patients are concerned about post Penile Shaft Girth Filler treatments. So now, one may consider adding the Sleeve procedure because this will optimize the Penile Shaft Flaccid Length, assist with increasing the Penile Shaft Erect Girth and help prevent the Glans from ‘Turtling’. Having a longer penis in the flaccid state can greatly improve the confidence level of a man giving him the freedom to step out from a bath and be proud of what he sees. He no longer needs to remind a partner that he is a grower, not a shower.

Length and Girth: Now, to increase Erect Length optimally, one may consider an aggressive approachand have a Penile Shaft & Glans Girth Enlargement with a Release procedure performed on the first office visit, then have a second Penile Shaft & Glans Girth Enlargement on the second office visit, then on the last or third office visit, have the Sleeve placed. What does this accomplish regarding erect length? The Release directly elongates the Penile Shaft Erect Length, the Sleeve will help extend the Penile Shaft providing added Flaccid Length and may increase Erect Length as well (depending on how much penile stretch the patient has in the Flaccid state), and, finally, the Girthtreatments will not only provide the large Penile Shaft Girth but will also help extend the Penile Shaft Flaccid state and, at times, will also help with increasing the Penile Shaft Erect Length. So, with a combination of treatments, we can optimize results regarding Penile Shaft Girth, Penile Shaft Flaccid Length and Penile Shaft Erect Length. 

Recovery Time

The recovery time for the LEEP procedure ™ is about 60-90 days, and for the Penile Shaft Girth Enlargement treatments, about 30-40 days. The patient can still work at most occupations, work out, etc., but care needs to be taken on how aggressive one works out, for example. Certain postures will be limited such as deep squatting motions. 

Side Effects

Like our well-known Penile Shaft Girth Enhancement Procedure Platinum TechniqueSM, the LEEP procedure ™ was designed for minimal downtime. The procedure recovery is typically 60-90 days with little or no discomfort. For the placement of the Sleeve, an incision is done around the existing circumcision line, or new circumcision if a patient is not circumcised, and a small incision will be at the base of the penile shaft. There will be some stitches around the circumcision line and small incision at the penile base area that will naturally dissolve or fall out.

The suspensory ligament Release may leave a small scar but should be hidden in the hairline of the pubis mound, just above the penis shaft. The is a small incision to allow the surgeon to reach the suspensory ligament and to provide release of the ligaments. As with the Girth Enhancement procedure, the patient will be on antibiotics to prevent infection and steroids to limit the inflammation (standard protocols in medicine). No alcohol is to be ingested during the recovery period. 



Dr. Victor Loria, D.O. leads the practice of Loria Medical with locations in Orlando and Miami Florida. For more than 30 years, Dr. Loria has performed cosmetic, dermatologic surgery and other procedures including hair restoration, laser surgery, and permanent cosmetic filler on both men and women.





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