Penile Flaccid Lengthening
The Penis can be found in two states at any given time, the flaccid or erect. The flaccid state is when the Penis is at rest, or in a soft form. The erect state is when the Penis is excited, erect, or in a firm form.
The current length of the flaccid penile state is of concern to many men. If one had the option to lengthen the flaccid state most would opt for this. But how does one lengthen the flaccid state?
We will first give a real live patient scenario, one who has had the Sleeve treatment in combination with girth treatments. We will provide here the summary results…before and after images so you can immediately see the magnitude of change.

Then, after we review this case, we will review additional medical, non-medical and surgical treatments available today for flaccid lengthening.
The patient below had several procedures performed including girth and Sleeve procedures. We do recommend at least one Penile Shaft Girth procedure before Sleeve placement because now we have something ‘covering up’ the Sleeve so it is not so easily detectable.
Please follow along carefully because you will see live and real changes are results here.
The patient had the following starting measurements:
Before Procedure Measurements
- Flaccid Girth 3.40 inches
- Flaccid Length 1.5 to 2.0 inches
- Erect Girth 4.75 inches
- Erect Length 5.0 inches
The patient had one Penile Shaft & Glans Permanent Filler Girth treatment to increase Penile Shaft & Glans Girth, on his first office visit. Then the patient had his second Penile Shaft & Glans Permanent Filler Girth treatment on the second office visit. Then the patient had the Sleeve placed on his third office visit.
The purpose of placing the Sleeve is as follows: The Sleeve will….
- Optimize Penile Shaft Flaccid Length
- May increase Penile Shaft Erect Length
- Prevent the Glans from ‘turtling’ during flaccid state
- Increase Penile Shaft Girth by about ½ to 1-inch.
- Provides extra ‘firmness’ with your natural erection
- Will increase self-esteem and confidence
After Procedure Measurements
- Flaccid Girth 6.0 to 6.75 inches
- Flaccid Length 5.0 inches
- Erect Girth about 7.0 to 7.5 inches
- Erect Length 5.75 inches
The patient has met his goals. The Girth gain was above average, Length gain above average.
Now we will go step by step in the proceed that the patient undertook… girth and then Sleeve treatments…..
Below: Side by Side Snapshot Comparison of Pre and Post.
*NOTE: The photo image ‘boxes’ may not be proportional because we used the Glans as the most stable unchanging portion of the images, so you will see the glans size is the same in all images, which now allows for the appreciation of the Penile Shaft enlargement. This helps realize the true size gain of the Penile Shaft in girth and length.

As you can clearly see, the combination Penile Shaft Girth treatments in addition to a final Sleeve placement has met and exceeded all of the patient goals.
Now, are there other types of treatments that can accomplish Penile Shaft Flaccid length? Yes, but not quite as efficient and effective as a Sleeve procedure. Let’s explore these other medical, non-medical and surgical options….
Medical Treatments
Penile enlargement, using permanent fillers, such as the Lorfill (aka Platinum) Method, can increase the flaccid penile length significantly. This method of treatment is primarily for penile shaft/glans/scrotal enlargement (girth or circumferential increase), and flaccid length gains (not for erect length gains).
The images below show flaccid lengthening changes that occur with permanent filler treatments. As you can see there is variation in the flaccid length gained, but it is typically ½ to 1-inch after each filler treatment.

Priapus shots, or plasma rich platelets, have no place in penile male enhancement medicine. The physicians at Loria Medical feel that this is a scam and many get drawn into it because it is relatively inexpensive, and boasts very good gains. Do not do this.
Viagra, Cialis, and the like, are prescription medications for ED, or erectile dysfunction. These medications cause a very efficient, prolonged, and firm erection in most cases, but will not affect flaccid penile length.

Trimix and Bimix penile prescription injections may also help restore some erect length to the penis. These medications are injected directly into the penile shaft (with a very small needle) and acts like Viagra, however, these treatments do not increase flaccid penile length.
- Managing certain illnesses such as diabetes, Peyronie’s disease, mental disease, and vascular disorders may help reverse some of the penile flaccid length loss by restoring blood flow.
- Medications side effects may play a role in decreasing the flaccid length as well. Certain high blood pressure medications may cause a decrease in erect penile blood flow and result in increased shortening. Certain medications may actually decrease the actual penile tissue mass such as illicit drugs (that speed metabolism), or even prolonged high dose and high potent steroids. Consult your physician regarding all of medications and side effects that may occur.
- In summary, the gains that medical treatments can provide are modest at best, and can help to a minimal degree.
Non-Medical Treatments
There are stretching devices on the market that can have a significant impact on flaccid (and erect) penile length. It is Loria Medical’s opinion that these stretching devices are far safer and much more effective than any medical or surgical treatment available today. There are devices that either push or pull on the penis to make it longer. The ‘push’ devices include ‘extender’ devices. This product is attached to the glans (head of the penis, and pushes out (see image below) to place stress on the penile shaft. This stress, over a consistent and long period of time – possibly years of use – may cause the penile shaft to lengthen in the flaccid and erect states. Even though this is a labor and time intense therapy, it may very well work, but you must commit yourself to get the results.

The ‘roll’ erect penile stretch system, which was developed by Dr Loria, is a patented device geared to exert maximal force on the penile shaft tissue in a more efficient and effective manner. It has not been fully tested but will be studied more intensely and the results will be noted on the announcement page of this website. The theory is this….It uses centripetal forces to stimulate the penile shaft tissue to stretch and generate new tissue resulting in flaccid and erect lengthening.
Penile pumps may, over a long period of time, stimulate some flaccid length gains. The primary purpose of a penile pump is to either assist in getting an erection, or with prolonged use, provides a temporary means of enlarging the penile girth by causing edema or swelling to occur, and increasing the penile circumference. The only issue with these pumps is the poor design, causing pain and discomfort in most cases.
Dr. Loria has patented a medically designed penis pump that is much more efficient and effective and is safer that the standard pumps on the market. Please keep in mind that these pumps must be used as instructed and can cause tissue damage if not used properly.

- Physical activities, such as Jelqing, is overrated and has minimal effects if any at all.
- Pills sold on the internet are mostly scams. There are some pills that may increase the circulation of the erect state, but to claim enlargement is false and misleading.
Surgical Treatments
- Suspensory ligament cutting is a fairly effective means for flaccid penile lengthening. This procedure can also be used to correct a penile shaft that has an extreme upward angulation during erection. This procedure will allow the penis to drop downwards into a more normal angle. Keep in mind that this ‘downward angulation affect’ will occur in most cases, so if you have a normal angulation, this may very well change and the angulation may drop down to an undesirable level. Lastly, cutting the suspensory ligaments may cause instability of the erect penile shaft, and may increase the risk for penile fracture.
- Glans (or head of the penis) surgical detachment and relocation (advanced forward) can increase the flaccid (and erect) length of the penile shaft, however, this is a very risky surgery and may case glans instability resulting in being traumatized during intercourse. It is not a recommended procedure due to the risks involved.
- Penile shaft surgical detachment from the pubic bone and moved forward or advanced to lengthen the flaccid (and erect)t penis can work, but is a high risk surgery that is not recommended.
- Penile transplantation, total or partial, can also be performed, but again, this is a very risky surgical procedure which carries the additional risks of immune suppressive medications. This procedure was only performed a few times in the world, but has been successful.
- Penile flaccid lengthening can be achieved by several methods. There are stretching devices that even though primarily used for erect length gains will also help with flaccid length gains as well. Suspensory ligament cutting, a surgical procedure, may cause a small flaccid lengthening. This surgical procedure, in Dr Loria’s opinion, caused more harm than good, resulting in no results in the majority of cases, and sometimes a shortening of the penile erect length.
- The Lorfill or platinum method can increase not only the penile shaft girth but the flaccid length as well. Each minimally invasive filler treatment performed by the platinum method typically yields an increase by ½ to 1-inch of flaccid length. This increase is seen after each filler treatment. The platinum method may, in some cases, increase the erect length, however these gains were patient reported. There is an experimental method that Dr Loria is currently working on to maximize flaccid length, and that is the flaccid insert technique. By placing a ‘pen-like’ medical grade implantable silicone rubber insert under the penile skin which will result in the penis staying longer and not being able to contract while flaccid, extending out almost as long as the erect penis. This technique may cause some penile erect lengthening as well, but this is still undetermined because the experimental trial is still ongoing.