
Penis Enlargement Techniques and History

Penis Enlargement Techniques and History

How to Get a Bigger Penis 

Men have sought to improve their penis size for centuries. They have done incredible work to change nearly all its features, including the length of the penis, sturdiness, appearance, and feel. As a result, a surprisingly interesting history has been left behind. In this fun guide, you’ll learn more about where these treatments started and where they are today.

Read on to learn more about the long history of penis enlargement, the techniques that are used today to get the best results, and some FAQs that cover all of your biggest questions. When you’re done, you’ll know what steps to take next to get the penis you want.

The Long History of Penis Enlargement

It may surprise you to learn that the history of male enhancement dates all the way back to the ancient Egyptians. Get ready to learn about a series of stunning enlargement techniques that were once practiced in spots around the globe. 

Ancient Exercises

Ancient societies from Egypt to Peru believed exercises could help men increase girth or length. Although the full practice of these exercises is lost in many cases, some methods have survived through the centuries. 

Jelqing (a still unproven form of enlargement through hand manipulation) emerged in Arabia centuries ago, and continues to be practiced by some people today. While this practice is not considered dangerous, there is also little to no evidence that it is effective even after all this time.

Stretching is another centuries-old method, also known as traction enlargement. In this method, the shaft is pulled, or weights are applied for up to hours daily. 

This type of enlargement attempt is mostly done using modern traction devices today. Alternative devices such as vacuum pumps (penis pumps) or extenders can create a temporary impression of size by increasing blood flow. 

However, there is no more evidence for these devices (or stretching exercises) than there has been in the past. Penis pump devices, which pull blood into the penis and then hold it there, might be a more advanced form of what ancient societies attempted to do by hand.   

Wooden Prostheses 

The first wooden prostheses for the male organ date back to the 16th century. The earliest models were only designed to aid wounded soldiers in urinating, but models that were meant to achieve the return or improvement of intercourse first emerged in the 1930s. 

The invention of acrylic and other synthetic materials that were suitable for implants expanded the possibilities of prostheses. These early test products would develop into the high-tech prostheses used for medical reconstruction and girth enhancement today.

Medicines and Remedies

Creams, lotions, supplements, and other remedies have been offered as cures for centuries. They included such unsettling ingredients as heavy metals, paralytic poisons, and animal parts. Many have been studied, but none have been found to offer results. 

What Techniques Do Men Use to Get a Bigger Penis Today?

Fortunately, you no longer have to settle for the practices of the olden days. Most modern penis enlargement procedures have demonstrable results, and they aren’t likely to cause any permanent injuries. The procedures that most turn to now from healthcare providers include filler injections, suspensory ligament division, and surgery. 

Filler Injections

Filler injections are used to provide targeted enlargement of the penis. This treatment is most effective at producing noticeable changes in girth, but can produce changes in flaccid and erect length for the right patients. 

Suspensory Ligament Release

This mild surgical procedure is also sometimes known simply as “release.” It requires only a simple anesthetic, and it is often combined with other parts of a treatment plan to deliver erect and flaccid changes in length. 


Several types of surgeries are used today for the purpose of penis enlargement. These are typically more invasive than filler injection procedures. Depending on the type of surgery you choose, this may involve the introduction of a sculpted implant or the transfer of fatty tissue from one section of the body to the penis.

FAQs About Modern Treatments for a Bigger Penis

The history of penis enlargement is not a simple one. You may have more questions about the ancient treatments and the ones that followed them. The following answers cover some of the most common questions asked about how length and girth can be increased.

Is penis enlargement surgery worthwhile?

Many of those who have volunteered for penis enlargement treatments, such as those involving fillers, have reported that they were happy with their decision. Some happy customers cite an improved look that is noticeable to their partners. Others have said the changes resulted in improvements in performance in their sex life. 

Some people have reported that their new results have affected their sense of confidence or self-esteem. Some of them even claim the procedure improved their mental health. How much you benefit from your own procedure may depend on what you are hoping to get out of it. 

Does testosterone increase girth?

The release of testosterone is correlated with the growth of the penis, but only during puberty. Testosterone as a supplement does not have any effect on the size of the flaccid penis or erect penis once human development has passed that stage. Even during puberty, testosterone is often only effective when applied 

How long does the penis filler treatment last?

Penis fillers typically last about two years. The length of the results you can expect may depend on the changes you want from your treatment. The best way to get an accurate estimate of your results is to schedule a consultation with a doctor that handles penis enlargement.

Do penis injections enlargement injections come with downtime

Penis enlargement injections typically have the least amount of downtime compared to all other permanent enlargement treatments. Many of these treatments are surgical and require an appropriate amount of healing time before you can return to strenuous or sexual activity.

Fillers typically have a much lower amount of downtime, and you can return to sexual activity quickly. How long it takes to recover will depend on the changes you plan.

What is the best male enlargement surgery or treatment?

There is no universal solution that represents the best surgery or treatment for anyone. Instead, you need to consider your goals and whether any of the latest treatments can help you reach them.

Fillers are among the most popular options for many men because they pose few risks, and the results can easily be adjusted or reversed. Another advantage of fillers is that they can be used to create nearly any result. Fillers can be applied in one or multiple locations to create a balanced look.

If you have additional questions that haven’t been answered here, you can learn all about the most effective penile enhancement treatments available at our clinic. Our treatments, many of them developed here, have been shown to increase penis girth and have other benefits. 

Find Out How to Get a Bigger Penis by Scheduling a Consultation

Now, you understand a little more about the great history of penis enlargement and how inventors, doctors, and patients alike have tried to find the answer to a bigger penis. Fortunately, in modern times, you don’t have to rely on months of stretching or wooden implants. There’s a world of modern methods that are non-invasive, low-risk, and effective across thousands of different operations. 

The operations used today include penis enlargement surgery, but there are even less invasive options, such as filler injections. With some filler enlargement treatments, you can go right back to your life after the procedure with only some minor habits for recovery.

Are you interested in learning more about the modern methods for achieving a larger penis? Schedule a free consultation to learn what may be possible. In addition to the size of your penis, our treatments may be able to improve erectile dysfunction and other sexual health disorders.

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