Have you gone from straight as an arrow to setting the curve? Perhaps you’ve developed Peyronie’s Disease aka Curvature of the Penis. Peyronie’s Disease is caused by scar tissue along the length of the penile shaft causing a curve or bend to the penis. This can result in a painful erection, a shortening in penile length, a reduction in girth, and pain for your partner as well regarding intercourse. In addition, the look of a curved penis may prove discomforting with your appearance in the bedroom. Check here for more info WebMD states that approximately 1% of men will develop Peyronie’s Disease and that it resolves itself in 5 – 19% of cases. If you are one of those men experiencing Curvature of the Penis without resolution you may decide that treatment is in order. There are several methods of treatment that have proven helpful including treatment provided at our practice.