
What is A Scrotoplasty Procedure: A Guide

What is A Scrotoplasty Procedure: A Guide

The scrotum is the pouch-like skin located under the penis in the genital area, which houses the testicles. If you’re considering surgery or a permanent filler enhancement procedure to solve any scrotal problems, you may want to know more before you get started. Most of the major cosmetic issues with the scrotum can be solved by scrotoplasty. 

In this guide, you’ll learn about the essential goals and benefits of scrotoplasty procedures. After that, you’ll get answers to common questions and learn how to start talking to a specialist about this procedure today.

What is Scrotoplasty Surgery and What Can It Do?

A scrotoplasty is a medical procedure that treats conditions related to the scrotum or enhances the appearance of the scrotum. It’s a broad term covering everything from treating mild sagging up to constructing a new scrotum. Below are some examples of problems that scrotoplasties can solve to help you understand more about this treatment.

Correcting a Small scrotum

In some cases a patient may be concerned about having a small scrotum. Perhaps a patient would like the look and feel of a larger scrotum, or how a patient may look in his own clothing. In addition, sexual pleasure may be achieved by having a larger scrotum because during intercourse the scrotal motion and contact on the vaginal area will typically stimulate which most if not all women find pleasurable.

Correcting Testicular Ascension

Most if not all men may feel the very uncomfortable effects when the testicles ‘ascent’ or rise upwards. This may occur under certain conditions such as cold temperature, being nervous, or even during sexual intercourse.

How does this happen? There are muscle cells in the skin of the scrotum, and when they contact, the testicles rise upwards. How can this be prevented or treated? There are two main methods, an injection of Botox every 6 months, which will paralyze these muscles, or, a permanent filler treatment of the scrotum. The permanent filler treatment of the scrotum will not only help with preventing the testicular ascension, but will also enlarge the scrotum and will be permanent (no subsequent treatments are usually needed).

Correcting Sagging

The scrotal area can sag for many reasons; some men are naturally born with a lower-sagging scrotal sac compared to many others, and others may experience early sagging as they age. 

This can be corrected with certain scrotoplasty procedures. Depending on the intended purpose, the scrotoplasty procedure for a sagging scrotum is often called a scrotal lift or scrotal enhancement.  If the procedure involves removing some of the loose scrotal skin, it will be a surgical scrotal lift. If one desires to ‘enhance’ the scrotum with permanent filler, it will be a non-surgical scrotal enhancement ‘lift’ procedure. This permanent filler procedure may also not only have an enlargement effect, but also a lifting effect as well. Different clinics may use different names to refer to this treatment.  

The treatment tightens, by skin removal or permanent filler injection for enhancement, the excess scrotal skin, depending on what is necessary or desired for each case. 

Correcting Excess Skin

In some cases, there can be so much scrotal skin under the sac that it interferes with sexual activity. The webbed part may extend an unusual length along the shaft, resulting in discomfort when it comes up against anything.

This problem may contribute to what is sometimes referred to as buried penis syndrome, where you are unable to use the full length of the shaft because excess scrotal skin is in the way.

A scrotal webbing procedure will remove the excess skin under the penile shaft, making it more comfortable for intercourse, in addition to making the penile shaft look much longer in the flaccid and erect states. 

General Enhancement Cosmetic Surgery

Cosmetic surgical and non-surgical procedures exist to target all minor and major issues with the scrotum. If there is anything that you don’t like about the appearance of your scrotal area, custom touch-ups can be developed to help you. You’ll have to speak to a men’s health doctor at a clinic to learn more about what’s possible with custom cosmetics.

Gender Affirmation Surgery

A scrotoplasty procedure will often be a part of gender affirmation surgery. It will be used to help create the testicular area following reconstructive surgery. Testicular implants or prosthetics will help form the initial look, and then additional improvements to the look of the skin of the scrotum will ensure you get the results that will satisfy your self-esteem. 

Common Questions About Scrotal Procedures

If you have more questions about scrotal procedures, the best way to get answers is to speak directly with a doctor who focuses on men’s issues. Only a doctor can help you understand how each treatment will affect you personally. Here are some answers to common questions  

How long does scrotal procedure take to heal?

How long your scrotal procedure takes to heal will depend on the procedure you choose and the problem that you are attempting to solve. The healing time, aftercare steps, and any other details will be fully covered in any meetings that take place before your procedure. Whether it is a surgical or non-surgical permanent filler treatment, healing time is typically about 30 days.

What are the complications of scrotal surgery?

All possible complications with your treatment will be discussed in full at your consultation, or a later meeting before your treatment takes place. Predicting any complications without assessing your condition and medical history is difficult. 

In general the procedure is well tolerated and heals well. We can say that for the surgical procedures there is a very small risk of infection (which is treated with antibiotics), small risk of the skin edges opening (heals by itself over time), and we do expect to have some minor skin irritation and swelling. The permanent filler procedure has much less risks, but will typically be some minor skin irritation and swelling.

Can you walk after testicle surgery?

The side effects of your surgery will depend on the treatment that you choose. Injection-based genital treatments generally have fast recovery times. Plastic surgery, such as treatments to remove excess skin, may require more recovery time before you can return to physical activities or engage in sexual activity.

Contact Loria Medical to Explore Scrotoplasty Further

Now you understand scrotoplasty surgery, along with some of the precise issues they can address. Our team would love to talk to you about taking the next step toward correcting your scrotal issues.

At Loria Medical, we focus on male enhancement, and scrotal surgeries are one of the many ways that we help our clients see what they expect from their bodies. Our clinic offers a complete range of scrotal enhancement treatments, including scrotal webbing correction.

In addition to scrotoplasty, we offer a range of other enhancement treatments for all parts of the penis. See our other treatment pages to learn more about how we can help you improve the look of the penile shaft, glans, and other areas.
To begin working with the Loria Medical team, contact us using our appointment form. Please provide details about your issue to determine whether we can help you with a consultation.

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