
Is Penile Enlargement Surgery Safe? The Risks and Alternatives

Is Penile Enlargement Surgery Safe? The Risks and Alternatives

Penile surgery has become a popular option in recent years. You may already know someone who had a length or girth procedure done and is satisfied with the results. If you’re interested in surgical penile augmentation, you may want to know more about the risks first.

There are risks to a penile enlargement surgery, and in this short guide, you’ll learn about them. First, you’ll find out what traits good candidates share; then, you’ll get to know some risks by name. Finally, you’ll learn more about the alternative options to surgery. You don’t have to worry about the risks of surgery when you can choose from non-invasive alternatives like fillers. 

Who Is Healthy Enough for This Surgery?

When you are talking about invasive penile enhancement procedures, you are likely talking about one of several different procedures:

  • General penile augmentation: Augmentation (not counting injectables, which will be discussed later) uses many materials, including polyacrylamide and hyaluronic acid. Body fat is used for some augmentation today because it has a lower risk of rejection than other materials. For this procedure, the surgeon will remove fat cells from a safe area of the body with fat to spare and inject them into the penis. Some people choose this procedure because they hope to increase girth. It may be combined with other treatments to create a comprehensive effect. 
  • Suspensory ligament release: The suspensory ligament prevents the penis from extending further. Dividing the ligament through an incision is one method used to create the appearance of increased size. This surgical procedure has relatively low risk compared to other methods that may be used to achieve the same purpose.
  • Suprapubic lipectomy: This is a surgical procedure that can be performed on the overhanging folds around the penis. The removal of some of this skin can create an immediate impression of increased size. This may be combined with suspensory ligament release to make a larger overall effect.
  • Penile disassembly: This is a comprehensive procedure that is often used to treat some of the most serious cases of length issues. In this procedure, several parts of the penis are completely separated and then rebuilt with augmentations in targeted areas.

Many other types of penile enhancement surgeries may be used in certain cases. Not all people are healthy enough for penile surgery. You may be a good candidate if you are in good physical health and can safely take anesthesia. You should be a non-smoker and have no conditions that would interfere with your recovery after surgery.

Chronic conditions like diabetes may prevent you from being a good candidate for some penile enhancement surgeries. The same goes for any bleeding issues that may prevent you from considering other invasive procedures.

If you have had pelvic surgeries in the past, you may be at greater risk for complications. Not all doctors will recommend penis enlargement surgeries when that is the case. The best way to find out if you’re a good candidate is to speak to a doctor. Only a doctor can give you an informed answer based on your medical history, any recent health events, and the type of surgery you’re pursuing.

You can also speak to a doctor about your candidacy for non-surgical alternatives. You may be healthy enough for non-surgical penile implants. 

What Are the Risks and Side Effects of This Surgery?

There are many different kinds of penile surgery, and the risks and side effects may vary from procedure to procedure. Some risks apply generally to most penile surgeries, and you’ll learn about each of them below.

You’ll need to speak to a doctor for informed answers about your susceptibility to any surgical risk factors. The treatment that’s best for you may not have any of these risk factors.


Scarring is an issue with many surgeries. Any operation that involves cutting into the skin carries the risk of lasting damage around the incision site. However, the right technique by the doctor can significantly reduce the risk of scarring. 

Paying attention to your recovery instructions is another way to reduce the risk. These instructions may tell you how to clean the surgical area, what pharmaceutical products to use, and what activities to avoid. Following all of these instructions reduces the risk that the area heals with scars.

Surgical Errors

Every surgery carries the risk of errors. While most errors are avoidable if you choose an experienced doctor with great reviews, some complex procedures simply involve a high level of risk of error. You should discuss the risks of your procedure with your physician before you choose your treatment.

Erectile Dysfunction 

The more significant the procedure, the more risk there is of changes that affect the performance of the penis. If you choose a highly comprehensive procedure that includes many adjustments, there may be an increased risk of lost function. 

What are the Alternatives to Surgery?

If you are unsatisfied with the look or size of your penis but you are concerned about the risks of surgery, there are plenty of high-impact procedures for improving length, girth, and aesthetics without the need for surgery. You can walk out of many non-surgical procedures and go about your daily life.

Filler Injections

Filler injections are one of the most notable and most popular alternatives to penile enhancement surgeries. The injections place small, shaped implants that can be pushed through a needle. The implants are often placed based on close conversations with your penile enhancement doctor. A combination of injections is often used to create a comprehensive and balanced look across the penis. 

Learn More about One of the Safest Penile Enhancement Treatments Available

Are you interested in learning more about how you can get the penile enhancement you want? There are great alternatives to surgery that can still help you achieve the penile length, penile girth, or penile size that you want. 

Some procedures available at our clinic can help you treat lifelong or recent conditions, including micropenis, buried penis, Peyronie’s disease, and more. If you want to know more about how our operations can help you, you can contact us to request a free consultation. 

Your consultation will be your chance to find out what the latest penile augmentation surgeries can do for you. The results that can be accomplished with plastic surgery today far exceed what was possible with older treatments.

Get started today by using our contact form for penile enhancement treatments. Please include a few details about what you want. If we can help, we’ll contact you to schedule a consultation.

FAQs About Penis Surgery Safety

Do you have a few more questions about the safety of a penis-size operation? The following information may help you understand the risks better. 

Can surgery safely treat erectile dysfunction?

There are both surgical and non-invasive treatments that are used for erectile dysfunction. These operations are often highly customized to the patient and their needs, and of course, ED can result from many different causes. You may better understand the best treatment for you by speaking to your doctor first and learning what treatments are best for patients like you.

Do I need to lose weight for a penile enhancement procedure?

For some surgical treatments, you may need to maintain or lose weight in order to be a safe candidate for the operation. Maintaining a moderate body weight is a requirement for many surgeries. 

Can surgical and non-surgical operations safely increase the size of the flaccid penis?

There are surgical operations that are designed to specifically target the length of the penis when it is flaccid. These are often separate from procedures that increase the length while erect. You may have to plan a series of operations to achieve the combination of a better look and 

Do you have to be healthy enough for sexual activity to get penile enhancement surgery?

Not all penile enhancement surgeries are intended to affect sexual intercourse. Some procedures are done for purely aesthetic reasons. For example, patients may suffer injuries that prevent normal function of the penis. These patients may still prefer to have a penis that appears natural, and they may seek out procedures to improve the penis’ look.

Do penile surgeries have high satisfaction rates?

Satisfaction rate data exists for many kinds of surgeries, but you will need to have a specific one in mind to look up numbers. The potential for high satisfaction is something that you can discuss with your healthcare provider once you have chosen the procedure you want. 

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