
Penile Shaft Erect Lengthening… is this possible?

Penile Shaft Erect Lengthening… is this possible?

Penile Shaft Erect Lengthening… Can a man increase his size? 

How does Penile Lengthening work? What is Penile Enlargement surgery? Let’s review some key and associated topics such as the average penis size or length of the penis, possible erect length gains from penile lengthening procedures, the risks, benefits, and side effects of such penile augmentation procedures, how it is possible to increase the Penile Shaft Erect Length.  

What is the average penis size? The average erect penile length is 5-5.75 inches. The average erect penis girth size is 4.75- 5 inches in circumference. The average flaccid penis length is about 3 inches. The average flaccid penis girth is 3.75 to 4-inches. Race plays a minor role in variations of these averages. Now, that being said, a small penis size, or micropenis, ranges in penile erect length of 3 to 4 inches, with the shaft of the penis having an erect girth of 3.5 to 4 inches. Certainly, one with a micropenis should consider seeking penile enhancement to increase penile size, to enhance sexual activity, and boost self-esteem. Note that a buried penis is similar to a micropenis, but is ‘turtled’ under the pubic skin, which needs plastic surgery or Urology to perform reconstructive surgery. Urologist might be more appropriate. So, is there a way to increase PP size? Yes, without question.  

What is penile enlargement surgery? Is Penis lengthening Surgery effective? Does Penile Lengthening Surgery work? 

Phalloplasty, or any type of Penis Enhancement Surgery or Nonsurgical procedures may include Girth Enhancement and Penis Lengthening Surgery or Elongation procedures. We will focus on Penile Shaft Lengthening Non-Medical, Medical, and Surgical options.  

There are Non-Medical, Medical, and Surgical techniques of increasing the Penile Shaft Erect Length, and most likely a combination of two, or perhaps three, will optimize results.  

The Non-Medical methods will be discussed first, then the Medical, then finally the Surgical.  

The non-medical treatments for Penile Shaft Erect lengthening include devices that either ‘pull’ like a traction device, or ‘push’, like an extender device, on the penile shaft. These devices are not FDA approved for such use; however, they are being used, so consult your Physician prior to use. Penile Implants, whether the 3-Piece Inflatable units, or the Malleable rods, will not be discussed here, this involves erectile dysfunction concerns.  Supplements will not be discussed due to the low yield/results it offers. 


  • These types of devices will have a grip or hold on the penile shaft and then a cord hanging from this which will either be able to hang weights from, or a stretchable cord will be attached to the thigh/leg and provide some pulling or tension motion/force. 
  • Treatment Regimen: 60 minutes or more a day and over a 1–3-year period 
  • Satisfaction Rates or Yield: Low to Moderate results (0.25 to 1.0 inches) 
  • Cost: Worth the cost.  
  • Risk to Benefit ratio: Low Risk, Moderate Benefit 


  • These types of devices will have a double ring and rod system. The lower ring will be placed on the pubic area, or pubic bone, and the upper ring will be placed just under the Glans (Head of Penis) area. The Rods will connect both rings together. The force exerted will be by expanding the length of the rods and this will push on the Glans causing a pushing force.  
  • Treatment Regimen: 60 minutes or more a day and over a 1–3-year period 
  • Satisfaction Rates or Yield: Low to Moderate results (0.25 to 1.0 inches) 
  • Cost: Worth the cost.  
  • Risk to Benefit ratio: Low Risk, Moderate Benefit 

The medical treatments for Penile Shaft Erect lengthening include medications such as Botox and Filllers. There are two main types, Temporary fillers and Permanent fillers. Temporary fillers mostly contain Hyaluronic acid. Permanent fillers typically contain Medical Silicone Oil or PMMA (polymethylmethacrylate). These medications can potentially expand the erect length of the Penile Shaft if grith sizes exceed 7 or more inches in girth.  These medications are not FDA for such use; and are used legally off-label, however, consult your Physician to discuss.  


  • These types of medications will expand penile girth. If the penile girth expands to over 7 or 8 inches in circumferential size, then the penile shaft may begin to expand in the length direction as well. This has been seen with permanent filler treatments.  
  • Treatment Regimen: 3-4 permanent filler treatments with 30–40-day recovery time or healing time in-between. Scheduled Follow-up is required.  
  • Satisfaction Rates or Yield: Low to Moderate results (0.25 to 1.0 inches) 
  • Cost: Not worth the cost.  
  • Risk to Benefit ratio: Low Risk, Low Benefit 
  • Note: Permanent Filler treatment is very beneficial for those with Peyronie’s Disease, helping correct curvature, and build up all the girth reduction that occurs.   
  • Note: Liposuction, using Fat Cells, can be used as a ‘filler’; however, this is a surgical procedure and is inferior to Permanent Filler results.  


  • This type of medication will allow more blood into the penile blood filled cavaties. You may, at best, regain some lost erect length due to aging, or injury.  
  • Treatment Regimen: Injections into penis every 4-6 months.   
  • Satisfaction Rates or Yield: Low results (zero – 0.25 inches) 
  • Cost: Not worth the cost.  
  • Risk to Benefit ratio: Low Risk, Low Benefit 

When it comes to Surgical Procedures for penile shaft lengthening, one must ask, “What are the risks associated with penile shaft erect lengthening surgery? The conservative and radical surgical method (low vs. high-risk procedures), will now be discussed. I do not recommend radical methods, but they will be mentioned here.  

The only conservative surgical methods of increasing the Penile Shaft Erect length are to have a Superficial Release or a LEEP Procedure Release.   


  • The ‘Suspensory Ligaments’ are composed of 3 ligaments: The Fundiform Ligament, which is superficial, the Suspensory Ligament, which is the primary ligament and just below the Fundiform, and the Arcuate Ligament, which is the deepest ligament below the Suspensory Ligament.  
  • Superficial Release only involves the ‘Fundiform Ligament. Scheduled Follow-up is required. 
  • Satisfaction Rates or Yield: little to no results (zero to 0.25 inches).  
  • Cost: Not worth the cost.  
  • Risk to Benefit ratio: Low Risk, Low Benefit 

LEEP Procedure: RELEASE: (Recommended procedure of choice by Dr Loria) 

  • The ‘Suspensory Ligaments’ are composed of 3 ligaments: The Fundiform Ligament, which is superficial, the Suspensory Ligament, which is the primary ligament and just below the Fundiform, and the Arcuate Ligament, which is the deepest ligament below the Suspensory Ligament. Scheduled Follow-up is required. 
  • LEEP Procedure:  Release, involves the release of not only the Fundiform Ligament, but also the Suspensory Ligament.   
  • Satisfaction Rates or Yield: moderate to high results (0.75 to 1.5 inches) 
  • A ‘Spacer’ will be placed, which will help prevent the ligaments from growing back.  Note: A ‘Spacer is an FDA Approved Bio-Implantable Silicone Material that is placed into position to help prevent the ligaments from growing back.  
  • Penile Stretch Device is needed as well. To optimize results a stretching device will connect to the penile shaft and leg and be applied for 45 days. The device will apply light pulling tension of the penile shaft, and this will also help prevent the ligaments from growing back.  
  • Cost: Worth the cost.  
  • Risk to Benefit ratio: Low Risk, Very High Benefit 

Non-conservative or Radical surgical methods of increasing the Penile Shaft Erect length includes two main types, Corporoplasty and Tunica Expansion Procedure (or TEP) 


  • The ‘Corporoplasty’ Procedure involves cutting very deep into the penile tissues, specifically into the Corpora Cavernosa, which are those penile inner tubes fill with blood and create an erection. Scheduled Follow-up is required. 
  • Satisfaction Rates or Yield: moderate to high results (0.75 to 1.5 inches) 
  • Worth the cost.  
  • Risk to Benefit ratio: Very High Risk, High Benefit 
  • Dr Loria does not recommend this procedure because an infection, tissue damage, blood vessel damage, or nerve damage can cause you to lose total penile function, so the risks are way too high.  


  • The ‘Tunica Expansion Procedure’ involves cutting very deep into the penile tissues, specifically into the Corpora Cavernosa, which are those tubes that fill with blood and create an erection. Scheduled Follow-up is required. 
  • TEP can only be performed on those patients receiving Implantable Penile Pumps for erectile dysfunction. Why? Because there would be too much bleeding if there were not a device in place, such as this Penile Pump, which will  assist in providing pressure to curtail the bleeding.  
  • Satisfaction Rates or Yield: moderate to high results (0.75 to 1.5 inches) 
  • Worth the cost.  
  • Risk to Benefit ratio: Very High Risk, High Benefit 
  • Dr Loria does not recommend this procedure because an infection, tissue damage, blood vessel damage, or nerve damage can cause you to lose total penile function, so the risks are way too high.  

Now, with all that being said, Dr Loria recommends the following:  

  • First Office Visit: Suspensory ligament Release – as mentioned above, this procedure is a minor surgical procedure that helps with increasing the Erect Length.  
  • Second Office Visit: Penile Shaft & Glans Permanent Filler Girth Treatment – this procedure will increase your girth by 3/4 to 1-inch per treatment.  
  • Third Office Visit: A second Penile Shaft & Glans Permanent Filler Girth Treatment – this procedure will increase your girth by 3/4 to 1-inch per treatment. 

Fourth Office Visit: Sleeve 

  • The Sleeve is a thin silicone rubber device that is placed under the penile skin. The Sleeve will do the following: 
  • Keep the penile flaccid length hanging out optimally. 
  • Potentially increase Erect length over time. 
  • Work synergistically with the Release to help increase Erect length. 
  • Make the penile shaft more firm feeling to help with erection firmness (if needed). 
  • Keep the glans from turtling after filler treatments. 
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