
What is Bottom Surgery for a Trans Man Like? A Guide to FTM Bottom Surgery and Results

What is Bottom Surgery for a Trans Man Like? A Guide to FTM Bottom Surgery and Results

Have you considered female-to-male bottom surgery as part of a road to transition? You may be interested in learning more about how this procedure is performed and what steps you’ll take to achieve the look and function you want.

There are several types of surgery that may be used, and in this short guide, you’ll learn about them. You’ll learn how Phalloplasty, Metoidioplasty, and Centurion Metoidioplasty are performed and what results are possible with each one. You’ll also learn about other factors related to these treatments, including what candidates are likely to benefit from them, and how long it takes to complete the treatment and recover.

After that, you’ll learn about the world of treatments that can follow an affirmation surgery and further refine and perfect the results that were delivered by the treatments. When you reach the end, you’ll know what’s possible with the three main treatments and beyond.

What Treatments Are Used for FTM Bottom Surgery?

There are three primary treatments for bottom surgery for trans men. This is not a complete list of all surgeries or other available treatments, but if you go through clinics in most cities, these are the common options you can expect to choose from.


A phalloplasty is a surgery that involves cutting and reshaping the skin flaps around the genitals that include the ovaries, urinary systems, and vaginal canal. The flaps are reshaped, contoured, and reattached to the groin to create the penis. Extra skin is needed for this procedure. When practical, the patient can have skin grafted from one section of the body to the phalloplasty.

Patients may choose to use skin from under the arm or around the thigh or side of the waist. It is not merely a matter of having enough loose skin. The skin in these areas has the fat, nerves, arteries, and veins to serve as an effective foundation for the penis. Your healthcare provider may recommend the best place to source skin you need for your reconstructive surgery.

It may be possible to use donated skin if you have access to a good match. If not, you may have to space out the procedure to ensure the healthiest recovery time for any grafts.

As you can likely imagine, this procedure can have many steps with recovery breaks between them. As a result, it can take a very long time to achieve the desired results. You should discuss the best timeline for your treatment with your surgeon or doctor who will be handling your operation. 


A metoidioplasty is a common alternative procedure to a phalloplasty. It involves enlarging the clitoris through the application of hormones. After the enlargement, tissue is removed from the clitoris and used to form a penis of a tailored length.

The process of enlarging the clitoris takes about a year, during which time you will have to continue to take hormones on a regular basis. 

When the clitoris has reached the desired size from the hormone treatment, the clitoris is freed from the public bone, creating the basic shape of the penis and allowing it to become erect without the need for an implant.

The urethra is connected to the newly created penis so that standing while urinating will be possible. It is often necessary to increase the length of the urethra (a procedure known as urethral lengthening), and grafts from local tissue can be used to create the necessary material.

Centurion Metoidioplasty

This procedure is a variation of the typical metoidioplasty, but it is different in that it uses the round ligaments that run along the sides of the labia. Bringing them together provides a noticeable amount of extra girth that some patients may prefer for their results.

The multi-stage process of this procedure involves a number of smaller procedures, including vaginectomy, urethroplasty, scrotoplasty, and placement of testicular implants, as well as hysterectomy. The average time it takes to complete this is usually around four hours. 

Recovery from this procedure can be involved. A catheter will be left in place for weeks of recovery until the urethra is ready to serve its purpose. It is typical for there to be minor complications with procedures that involve this many steps. Plan for some minor alterations after the procedure is completed.

Can the Results of an FTM Bottom Surgery Be Improved?

The results of an FTM bottom surgery can be improved. After fully recovering from the original procedure, you can often enhance it in certain ways with cosmetic surgeries. The available procedures include options to increase the girth and length.

You can also choose from beautification procedures to improve the look of the shaft, scrotum, or other targeted areas. Read on to learn more about your options. 

Penile Shaft Girth Enlargement

Girth enlargement is a procedure that aims to increase the circumference of the penis. This is a high priority for many patients because girth plays a large role in sexual performance and, as a result, personal confidence. Increasing girth by as much as 7.5 inches in circumference is possible.

These treatments can also be tailored to the exact needs of the patients. Fillers can be applied across the entire penis to create an even and consistent girth with a natural feel. This means that uneven areas can be corrected as part of the plan. Your doctor may recommend that you apply additional injections on one side, or even take other measures to get even results. 

This method is non-invasive, and the results can easily be changed in a follow-up appointment. This treatment is far lower-risk than most surgical procedures, but the fillers only last a few years until they are naturally removed by the body.

Scrotal Enlargement/Enhancement

Scrotal enhancement is a procedure that alters the shape, size, and tension of the skin around the scrotum. These procedures are highly tailored to the specific issues the client is facing. 

The procedure traditionally uses filler material inserted between the skin layers. The effect can be tailored to the patient’s needs. The filler is never close to the testicles, so there is virtually no risk of testicle-related complications. This treatment is sometimes sought by trans men who have issues with the look of the scrotum from their transition operation. This treatment is usually sought for one of several reasons:

  •  A small scrotal area: Some patients feel that their new scrotal area appears to be shrunken or does not appropriately match the proportion of other nearby body parts. Fillers can be used to increase both mass and feel in circumstances like these. 
  • A tight scrotal area: Tight scrotal skin is a common result of penises that were created through grafting. After all, to make the scrotal sack larger would require additional skin grafts, and many patients are not focused on that element when they first transition. However, some do choose to go back at a later date and address the issue. Fillers are added to oppose the muscle contraction of the skin. This makes the sack appear larger.
  • Overly loose skin: Some procedures may result in a loose scrotal area or one that is loose on one side but not on the other. Scrotal enhancement procedures exist to solve this problem. Fillers can be used to bunch up the loose skin to achieve a balanced appearance.

Learn more about Improving the Results of FTM Bottom Surgery

Are you interested in learning more about options for self-affirmation through penile enhancements? It is possible to solve most cosmetic issues that are causing you discomfort or undermining your sense of gender identity after a gender-affirming surgery. It just takes a plan.

The team at Loria can significantly enhance the results you get from your bottom surgery in various ways. Our treatments can significantly increase girth and the appearance of penile length. A number of cosmetic treatments are available to cover all regions of the male genitalia, including the appearance of the scrotum.

Get started today by contacting our office for a free consultation. We can help transgender men achieve the look they imagined when they first moved forward with their gender confirmation surgery.

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