
How Much Is Penile Lengthening Surgery

How Much Is Penile Lengthening Surgery

Penile lengthening surgery is possible, and it is offered at some of the finest male enhancement clinics in the world. You may be wondering what these treatments cost at this level of technological development, and if they’re within your budget.

You’ll learn more in our guide below, but first, you’ll learn about the major procedures and what they typically cost. Then, you’ll learn what factors you should consider before the procedure and get some ideas for how you can control costs. You’ll also learn how to protect your results (and your investment).

What Types of Procedures Exist and What is the Average Cost?

There are several major elongation procedures. To estimate the costs of your penile lengthening surgery, take a look at a few of the options below: 

Silicone Implants

Average cost: $10,000 to $30,000

You aren’t alone if you don’t like the look of your penis when it’s contracted. The penis can unpredictably contract and change shape throughout the day. This can make it difficult to give the right impression. This procedure targets that problem by creating a longer and more “predictable” look for the penis. 

Soft silicone rubber sleeve inserts are placed into the penis to act as resistance against the body’s attempt to retract. This can result in a penis that appears permanently longer when flaccid. Girth enlargement treatments may be recommended first, and additional treatments may affect the final amount you pay. 

This procedure is surprisingly simple and leaves only minimal scarring that is usually not visible. At clinics like Loria, sleeves can be combined with release procedures that also increase erect length. The combination of the two can achieve an increase of 1 to 2 inches in erect length. 

Suspensory Ligament Release

Average cost: $15,000 to $25,000

This procedure is one of the most commonly used for erect penis elongation. This procedure targets the suspensory ligament inside the body. That part of the body attaches the penis to the pubic bone. When it is carefully released, a portion of the penis that is typically hidden becomes visible and usable. Patients have been able to achieve a significant increase in size by using this procedure. 

The typical increase in size is 1 to 2 inches. However, 2 to 5 inches is possible when combined with other treatments like silicone sleeves. This growth is usable and noticeable to sexual partners.

This procedure involves some minor surgery with limited downtime. You’ll need to speak to a male enhancement doctor to understand how the procedure works and what other procedures it can be combined with for even more dramatic results.


Average cost: $7,500

Suspensory ligament division surgery, or (ligamentolysis) is another procedure that works by cutting the suspensory ligament. During this alternative procedure,  the surgeon will sever this ligament and move the skin from the abdomen to the shaft of the penis.

Like comparable procedures, this one involves some minor surgery. However, it is not considered to be a highly invasive surgery, and is often expected to have a relatively fast recovery time before you can resume sexual activity. You should speak to a doctor to learn more about the options for this procedure.

Surgical Removal of the Suprapubic Fat Pad

Average cost: $5,000

The Suprapubic Fat Pad is the name for the fat-storing pad of skin that hangs above the genitals. This pad often becomes significantly enlarged in response to aging or general weight gain. This area can not only conceal the erect length of the penis but can also form a physical obstacle to sexual performance.

Care providers use various methods to safely remove the fast from this area so that your sexual function can be restored. Like some other options on this list, this is a simple procedure with limited downtime. 

Injected Fillers

Average cost: $6,000 to $15,000

Injected fillers are one of the easiest and safest ways to create the impression of length. Fillers are more widely celebrated for increasing penis girth rather than size, but they are also used in penis lengthening surgeries. 

Several procedures are offered at Loria, including the Platinum TechniqueSM. This advanced option involves a Permanent Filler Injection procedure to increase the penile shaft girth. In the right candidates, it will also increase the penile shaft flaccid length by ½ to 1 inch per treatment. In some cases, fillers alone can increase the penile shaft erect length by 1 inch or more (especially in micro-penis cases). 

Cost Factors to Consider Before a Penis Lengthening Procedure

If you want to control the cost of penis enlargement surgery closely, there are some factors that you should consider. Remember that you can always get the best and most relevant advice from a doctor that focuses on male enhancement. 

The Pace of Your Changes

You may want small, targeted changes to your penis size, or you may prefer a comprehensive treatment that targets multiple issues during follow-up visits and works toward a larger penis enhancement goal. If you want a comprehensive treatment, you may be able to control your costs by spreading out your treatments.

Speak to your doctor about how your penis enlargement procedures can be spaced out to provide the best results while putting less pressure on your budget.

Cost of travel

Remember that your surgery cost will almost certainly include the cost of travel. Only a few select clinics offer some of the treatments you learned about. If you will have to travel, you may want to consider a few ways to reduce travel’s impact on your budget. 

For example, you could save money by booking your procedure during your vacation. Many non-invasive procedures don’t have downtime, so you could limit your travel costs to one annual event instead of two. This plan works best when your clinic is someplace you really want to go on vacation, such as Florida. 

The financing options offered by the clinic

Penile enlargement surgery is rarely covered by health insurance. Some procedures (such as reconstruction after an accident) may be part of covered recovery, but these cases are rare. If you do not plan to pay for your procedure up-front, you may need to rely on financing. 

Many clinics that practice plastic surgery and cosmetic procedures offer financing options to help their clients manage the costs. The same is true for clinics that treat erectile dysfunction, micropenis treatments, and more. As part of your cost investigation, you should look into what options your penile augmentation clinic offers.

As an example, you can learn more about the financing options provided by Dr. Loria here. 

How to Handle Care Post-Operation and Protect Your Results

To protect the value of your results, you need them to stay in peak condition for as long as possible. That’s why it’s always important to follow all postoperative instructions.

Enhancement procedures are typically noninvasive or only lightly invasive, but even these procedures will have instructions you need to follow to avoid unintended results like scarring or damage to the new silicone implants. Make sure that you keep a hard copy of any instructions on hand so you can refer to them during the recovery process. 

Learn More about Penile Lengthening and Schedule a Consultation Today

Now, you know what is possible with a penis lengthening procedure. If you’re considering one of these procedures for yourself, you should talk to an experienced male enhancement doctor to get all of the answers to your questions.                         

At Loria Medical, you can learn more about some of the best penile lengthening options, whether you’re a good candidate, and how much you can expect to pay for the desired results. This consultation will also be your chance to ask any remaining questions about the procedure before you take the next steps.

Call our number or fill out our convenient online contact form to find out if we can help. We’ll review your details to determine if we can help and provide you with any details about the next steps.

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