
Tips For Taking Care of Your New Penis

Tips For Taking Care of Your New Penis

Guys let’s face it, you always wished you could give your penis an upgrade! Women have had their turn why not you? Penis enhancement is not surgery but a specialized, effective process that does not involvecandle phallic symbol cutting or any stitches. Introducing the Platinum Technique – Dr. Loria’s renowned penis enhancement, a minimally invasive medical procedure. It is a process that involves the injection of a safe filler material to increase the girth, or circumference of the penis significantly. After a while, your body will respond to the filler inducing the production of your own collagen increasing the size permanently. This procedure is done comfortably right in office.

Post Procedure Care

Like with all procedures there is an after-process which is very necessary to follow for care of your new penis. Immediately after the procedure your penis will be covered with a soft stretch gauze. These are some additional recommendations to take to ensure that the area is kept in the best condition possible.

  1. Hygiene is very important. The procedure of enhancement requires the person to follow sanitation of the private areas. Change clothes regularly.
  2. Avoid sweaty places or clothes that increase the probability of infections or a rash.
  3. Scratching in the region is not recommended. It could lead to a skin rash that is not ideal in the situation.
  4. Wearing clothes that stick to your thighs or suffocate your penis are not recommended. Since it’s a matter of time before you can start wearing those tight jeans again, it is worth the wait.
  5. The gauze needs to be changed regularly. Do not forget to communicate with Dr. Loria on a regular basis. You will be instructed accordingly.
  6. Most importantly, stay away from any sexual activity for 35 days during this period. Immediately after you undergo the procedure, your body will experience some changes that it does not respond to right away, and the filler could shift if intercourse is resumed too early. However, the formula is comprised of safe fillers, so you need not worry about any health issues.
  7. Avoid swimming pools, saunas or Jacuzzis.
  8. Medicines during this this time should only be taken as recommended by your doctor. He will instruct you on the matter. You can ask him about certain medication that you are already taking or must take.
  9. Make sure to keep a regular check on your penis functionality and its physical appearance. If you notice any discrepancy after a long period of time, do consult Dr. Loria.

Penis enhancement process ensures a safe and sound procedure. We hope that this article was helpful in getting a better idea for after care tips for your new penis. Dr. Loria and his staff will provide you with detailed after care instructions and regularly follow up to make certain that your new penis is everything you hoped it would be!

Call us today with any questions.


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