
 How You Can Correctly Measure Penis Length

 How You Can Correctly Measure Penis Length

If you’re wondering how to measure penis length correctly, you may be surprised to learn that many accepted methods don’t all agree or end up with the same numbers. It can be important to know your penis size for purposes such as determining condom size or simply comparison.

In this short guide, you’ll learn about several different methods that can be used to measure penis length. After that, you’ll learn what the average sizes really are and what factors may determine the size. By the end, you’ll learn what methods can be used to increase penis length in situations where it is affecting self-esteem. 

Easy Steps to Measure Penis Size

There are several popularly accepted ways to measure the size of the penis. All of the following methods may provide you with useful numbers. 

Method 1: Use a Tape Measure

A measuring tape is one of the most effective tools for accurate measurement. It is superior to a ruler, as it allows you to follow the path of the penis even if it curves. 

  1. Start from the top of the penis (this allows you to use the pubic bone as a backstop) and extend the measuring tape. You should press the tape against the skin until you feel the bone.
  2. Extend the other end of the tape until it passes the tip of the penis.

You can use this method to easily determine both flaccid and erect penis length. 

Method 2: Use a String

A string can be a good alternative if you don’t have a measuring tape. Start with the same steps as the first method. When you finish those steps, mark the string so that you can easily see where it ended. You can do this with a marker or by cutting the string at the point where it ends. 

After you have the marked string, you can measure the amount in inches using any other method you have.  

Understanding the Average Sizes

Popular media widely repeats the myth that the average size of the male organ is around six inches. However, no modern medical study based on real measurements has found this average. This mythical average is believed to have persisted because of self-reported studies from the past.

One report from the 2010s gathered a number of other medical studies together to try to develop a more comprehensive idea of average penis size. That report found the following:

According to the team’s analysis, the average flaccid, pendulous penis is 9.16 cm (3.61 inches) in length; the average erect penis is 13.12 cm (5.16 inches) long. The corresponding girth measurements are 9.31 cm (3.66 inches) for a flaccid penis and 11.66 cm (4.59 inches) for an erect one.

The real average erect length seems closer to 5 inches than 6. The final size can be determined by many surprising factors. Next, you’ll learn about some of the factors that determine size. 

What Factors Determine The Average Length?

Factors from before your birth and during your early life can play a role in the final size of your penis. Despite this being true, it is very difficult to predict what factors will play the largest role over the course of your life. Your current length may be the result of any of the following factors:


Genetics plays a significant role in the overall length of your penis. There is some mild evidence that penis size may be tied to height or other genetic markers, but these are only light correlations so far. There is little that you can do to change this factor.


Hormones play an important role in the development of penis size, but it is not the hormones of the owner that matters. Instead, it’s the hormones that were active during pregnancy that are the most likely to affect eventual penis size. 

The size of the penis will be partially determined by the amount of testosterone that passes to the baby while it’s still developing. There are health conditions that mothers can have that can prevent them from creating the necessary amount. 

Some of these issues can be treated and detected before the baby is born or in early childhood if they are detected. Doctors may recommend testosterone supplementation or other types of interventions in cases where it seems necessary.


Nutrition is another issue that may eventually play a role in total penis size. Like hormones, this can be an issue during pregnancy rather than puberty. If the mother does not get enough nutrients during pregnancy, then the child can suffer from multiple types of vitamin deficiency, including ones that can affect the final penis length.

However, later childhood nutrition can also have an effect on final penis length. If tweens and teens do not get enough nutrition during crucial years, puberty can be delayed by the body. Delayed puberty often results in a smaller penis or testicles. 

The Environment

After nutrition, it’s important to consider the things that are getting into the body that shouldn’t. The final size of the penis seems to depend on exposure to chemicals that can wreak havoc on the body. 

Chemicals like fertilizers, pesticides, and plastics, have been found to play a role in penis growth in the womb. When these chemicals are present, they can affect the endocrine system. This system creates and regulates hormones, and disruption can interrupt normal growth.

Factors That DON’T Matter

There are a number of factors that are widely believed to affect penis growth without any evidence at all. For example, many people believe that the size of the feet correlates to the size of the penis. In fact, no research has ever found a strong connection between these two measurements.

Some people also believe that masturbation habits can play a role in final penis size. No evidence suggests that more or less stimulation can cause longer length. Sexual orientation also plays no role.

Are There Ways to Increase Penis Length?

There are ways that you can increase the length of your penis if you are not satisfied with your current size. There are cosmetic and surgical penile enhancement operations that can increase both flaccid and erect length by several inches.

Silicone implants are one example of a treatment that can increase flaccid length. For these treatments, a silicone sleeve is inserted into the shaft of the penis. This sleeve prevents the shaft from withdrawing more than desired while the penis is in its flaccid state.

Erect length and erect penis girth can also be increased with some procedures. You should speak to a male enhancement doctor to learn more about what is possible with modern procedures. You can contact us today to learn more. 

Learn More About Penis Size Enhancements and Schedule a Consultation Today

Now that you know how to measure the size of the penis properly, you understand the context of average penis sizes and what factors affect growth, along with some of the methods that may be used to increase penis growth.

You may be asking yourself if you’re satisfied with how you compare. You may dislike your erect or flaccid penis length, and you may be interested in exploring the options. There are many procedures available that can increase your satisfaction and sense of self-esteem. Girth can also be improved, with direct improvements to sexual performance in many cases.

To learn more about the procedures that are available for penis length or penis girth, contact our office using our convenient contact form.

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