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Feel More Confident About your Penis by Protecting Penis Health

Feel More Confident About your Penis by Protecting Penis Health

A universal truth among men that they tend to keep under wraps is that their penises are on their minds quite frequently. Any man with a desire to feel more confident about his penis may accomplish that by giving attention to good penis health. In reality, your penis is affected by all of your health issues, doctors say. Just as with other physical features you were born with, there are ways to improve and maximize your penis through healthy practices. For information and tips on ensuring that your penis is in top, ever-ready condition, check out the following.

The Good Health – Good Blood Flow Connection Feel More Confident About your Penis by Protecting Penis Health

Good blood flow is an essential component of healthy erectile function. It has been discovered that blood vessels are calcified by smoking, which has the effect of stifling erectile circulation. Health experts agree that a 30-year-old man with poor health who smokes and drinks alcohol probably performs sexually as well as a 50-year-old nonsmoker in a good state of health who doesn’t drink heavily. Research has also concluded that your penis can be shortened by as much as one centimeter if you are a smoker.

Maintain a Healthy Prostate

Prostate health is linked to penis function. You can experience erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation if your prostate gland is enlarged. According to the American Cancer Society, prostate cancer is diagnosed in more than 190,000 men in the U.S. annually. Fortunately, you can take steps to protect your prostate. Among the tips for good prostate health are the following:

  • Exercise regularly and maintain a healthy weight.
  • Eat plenty of vegetables and fruits, especially those that are powerful antioxidants, such as tomatoes, papaya, broccoli, and cabbage.
  • Eat food rich in selenium, which has proven to reduce the risk of developing prostate cancer. Among the many selenium-rich foods are tuna, beef liver, eggs, cashews, onions, and sesame seeds.
  • Add more soy to your diet by eating soy flour, soy nuts or tofu.
  • Starting at age 45, have a rectal exam and PSA blood test every year if you are an African American or have a strong history of prostate cancer in your family. Others should begin these annual exams by age 50.

Avoid Penile Rupture During Masturbation

A penile fracture is something to be avoided. It turns out that penises
“break” most frequently during vigorous masturbation. There are no bones in the penis, but there are three cylindrical tubes that can be ruptured as a result of some type of force that leads to pressure overload. Signs that you’ve suffered a penile fracture include a popping or cracking sound, rapid loss of erection, swelling, bruising and a great deal of pain. You should definitely go to the doctor if you fracture your penis. According to one study on acute care surgery and trauma, 60% of penis fractures occur when men are masturbating. The most common causes are angulation and manual compression—or squeezing too hard. So keep these things in mind. A fractured penis can lead to dozens of other health complications and, on rare occasions, permanent loss of function.

A healthy mind is a happy mind. If you would feel better about your penis with larger girth, contact renowned cosmetic surgeon Dr. Victor Loria, who offers a non-surgical, minimally invasive in-office procedure for male enhancement. As long as we’re being honest, the best way to feel happier about your penis may be to have an enlargement procedure. Call Loria Medical today at 877-375-6742 to learn more.

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