Sex is known to be one of the greatest physical pleasures’ mankind can experience. Many things add up which contribute to an erotic sexual experience thereby making you desire it even more. For instance, many men feel if their penis were larger, they’d feel more sexual arousal in bed, be more attractive, or be able to satisfy their partners more fully. Read on to find out how penis enhancement can affect your sex drive.
Game of Confidence
Men do not usually talk about their penis unless they feel confident. It is generally a topic they wish to defer on and avoid discussion if they’re feeling inferior about it. However, they do not realize that there are improvements they can make to dramatically enhance the size of their penises and make themselves feel better personally as well as more arousal sexually.
An enhanced penis will work wonders on your arousal levels simply due to the fact that you will have the tools to finally do the job. Studies show that confident men perform radically better in the bedroom than those who feel insecure. An enhanced penis not only increases a man’s sexual arousal, but their partner’s as well.
Men complaining about how small their penises are, is proof that men do care about size. Aside from comparison purposes, penis size talk is mainly showing off how much self-esteem or confidence men really have in themselves. The moment you realize that your penis just doesn’t quite measure up compared to other men pulls your confidence down and affects many areas of your life.
Aside from self-confidence, men are concerned about their penis sizes because they believe that size affects the rendering of satisfaction to their partners during sex.
Men care about size because they know that a tiny penis has certain disadvantages and can really have an impact on how they perform in bed.
What goes into penis enhancement?
The area around a penis is very sensitive and has small receptor nerves that detect the smallest of movements. An enhanced penis is able to feel more due to the tightening of the skin. When a penis is enhanced, the skin is automatically tightened because the enhancement process increases the size in the same skin texture. The loose skin is taken up by the filler which is used in the process. With this, nerves become more receptive in an aroused situation, leading to an exciting sexual arousal experience.
This enhancement procedure is known as the Platinum Technique pioneered by Dr. Victor Loria. This is a minimally invasive procedure that does not involve surgery. Moreover, the enhancement process is not only safe but guarantees successful and immediate results.
Call us today for a private consultation.